A German politician on Wednesday proposed making marriage contracts expire after seven years, with the option to renew for those not feeling the proverbial itch. “I propose that marriages lapse after seven years,” Gabriele Pauli told reporters in Munich. “This… Continue Reading →
No Priests? Fine. Women and Gays Can Celebrate Eucharist—More evidence that the Dutch are still smokin’ dope. The Worst of the Worst!—Hold on to your 1962 Missals folks! This is one of the worst responses to the Motu Proprio yet!… Continue Reading →
The leaders of the Catholic Dominican order on Tuesday censured Dutch members who said unordained ministers, including gays and women, should be able celebrate the Eucharist if priests were not available, according to IOL. A booklet sent to parishes in… Continue Reading →
This one is special folks. This is literally one of the worst responses to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum yet. Were I to put in my own comments, this might be my longest post ever. Further, I do not think… Continue Reading →
Grapes, Raisins and God—Never get into a debate with a four year old. You don’t stand a chance. Mystery Illness Strikes Village after Meteor Crash—CMR Zombie Watch: You can’t be too careful! Rowan Williams Goes Into the Closet—Archbishop of Canterbury… Continue Reading →
Villagers in southern Peru were struck by a mysterious illness after a meteorite made a fiery crash to Earth in their area Saturday, regional authorities said. Villagers were startled by an explosion and a fireball that many were convinced was… Continue Reading →
Rowan Williams is apparently daring Schism with the disclosure that he plans to celebrate a [not so]“secret” communion service for gay clergy and their partners in London. From the UKTimes: Dr Williams will celebrate the eucharist at St Peter’s, Eaton… Continue Reading →
My daughters were discussing their snack options after school today. After rummaging around I offered grapes or raisins. My seven year old told the other two girls in that way that older sisters have that “actually grapes and raisins are… Continue Reading →
Madonna Traded to Jews—For two Jewish comedians to be named later. A good deal. High Noon for Sheriff Ben—Is it Gary Cooper time for Pope Benedict? Pope and the McCanns—Expect to see this picture more often than O.J.’s Bronco Marriage… Continue Reading →
Pope Benedict is feeling good about his trade of one reprobate Catholic for two Jews to be named later. The trade between Pope Benedict and Rabbi Shlomo Glickstein was made official when Madonna, who had the right to turn down… Continue Reading →
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