“Don’t Eat that Spud, Ma!” That’s how it all started as 17 year old Earl Jr. looked down at his mother’s plate at the “Eat ’til You Can’t No More” Diner. What he saw surprised him and he shouted out… Continue Reading →
John Powers at the Society of St. Barbara has posted some new information on the Springfield Cathedral renovation. The rumors have proven true…the sanctuary of this great cathedral is about to be ruined. Don’t get me wrong, the roof needs… Continue Reading →
Sometimes you just have to laugh at how spectacularly wrong the doomsayers can be. For years we have heard the non stop drum beat of the enviro-pagans to stop global warming. Ok. Consider it stopped. In recent days we have… Continue Reading →
Ex-Catholics Make Evangelicals #1—One out of every 10 evangelicals is a former Catholic. Bishops Just Say the Darnedest Things!—Can someone explain how an educated man, an Archbishop, who has served as a consultant to the USCCB Liturgy Committee could say… Continue Reading →
One out of every 10 evangelicals is a former Catholic. That’s what a new study on American religion says. And because of it, evangelical Christianity has supplanted Roman catholicism as the nation’s largest Christian group. The Pew Forum on Religion… Continue Reading →
Let’s meet the Most Rev. Roger L. Schwietz, OMI, Archbishop of Anchorage Alaska. Bio: Archbishop Schweitz was member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate since his first profession of vows on August 15, 1961, Archbishop Schwietz was born in… Continue Reading →
In a column that appeared in Sunday’s Washington Post, a columnist asks the question on the minds of (sadly) many Catholics “I Voted for Obama. Will I Go Straight to. . . ?” He starts off heavy with the mockage… Continue Reading →
Prepare for Scorched Earth, Clinton Style—Outlined against a blue-gray February sky, the Four Horsemen rode again. Bishop Boots Bad Board over Babies—Bishop with Backbone not named Burke? Nader To Run Again!! Yes!?—Is it possible to be left of Obama? Flashback?… Continue Reading →
Outlined against a blue-gray February sky, the Four Horsemen rode again. In dramatic lore they are known as famine, pestilence, destruction and death. These are only aliases. Their real names are: Clinton, Clinton, Williams, and Ferraro. And so it begins…. Continue Reading →
Archbishop of Westminster Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor in England has dismissed the entire board of directors of a Catholic hospital after they refused to bring the health center’s policies in line with the Church on abortion. The Cardinal had been arguing with… Continue Reading →
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