We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2008

Liturgical Music – New Amazon Flavor!

Raymond Arroyo, commenting on the odd choices for some of the music in the liturgy at Nationals Stadium, after listening to an absolutely awful conga version of an offertory hymn (including bongos and a some sort of steel kettle drum)… Continue Reading →

A New Low for Yale University

As a Yale alum, I have been repeatedly disgusted and disappointed in many of the decisions the university has made since I graduated in 1991. I routinely throw the requests for donations into the trash without even opening them. At… Continue Reading →

Our Badly Misunderstood Pope

It’s great having the Pope here if only to see how shallow our country’s media really is. (As if we needed reminding) The media clearly has no idea what to do with Pope Benedict’s visit. I know it’s no news… Continue Reading →

Miyagi Wisdom – Longenecker Style

Man walk on road. Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk down middle, sooner or later, get squished just like grape. Same here. You catholic do yes, or catholic do no. You catholic do “guess so”, {squish} just… Continue Reading →

College B-ball Coach Recites Rosary Before Games

Phil Martelli, the popular and successful coach of the St. Joseph’s University men’s basketball team (And my alma mater) does have his quirks. He revealed some of them April 10 at a St. Martin of Tours School communion breakfast in… Continue Reading →

Today on CMR – April 16, 2008

Programming Note—Listen to the wit and wisdom of Matthew on Sacred Heart Radio. Good Morning America Goes Negative on Pope—The single most deceptive, mean spirited, and negative comment we have seen. No Communion For The Usual Suspects—The American Life League… Continue Reading →

Programming Note

For those of you fortunate souls who managed to miss our premier on Sacred Heart Radio some weeks back, you now have another chance to do some much needed penance. Matthew will be appearing Thursday morning at 7:10 AM on… Continue Reading →

Good Morning America Goes Negative on Pope

This morning as I was jamming my kids into their uniforms Good Morning America was talking about the chances of Pope Benedict endorsing any of the candidates for President. RRRgghghghghghgh! This is such a serious flaw in their thinking as… Continue Reading →

No Communion For The Usual Suspects

The American Life League doesn’t pull punches. They are running a full page ads in The Washington Times and The Politico. The ad basically asks the the Holy Father to give the cold shoulder to any of the more infamous… Continue Reading →

Today on CMR – April 15, 2008

Humor! Obama’s Bitter Pill™—Are you a Church going, gun toting, free-trade hating racist? You don’t have to suffer any more! Closet Catholic In the White House?—WaPo asks, “Might President Bush really be Catholic?” Barack Belittle Barack No Slick—A small poem… Continue Reading →

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