We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2008

Obama’s Bitter Pill™

Have you ever suffered from Male Economic Dysfunction? Are you frustrated because economic conditions in your small town have not improved? Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with a bible in one hand and… Continue Reading →

Closet Catholic In the White House?

Daniel Burke at the Washington Post thinks that President Bush might be pulling a Tony Blair. Burke tells of the Catholic based culture that rules the west wing and some other lingering suspicions. Shortly after Pope Benedict XVI’s election in… Continue Reading →

Today on CMR – April 14, 2008

Barack Belittle Barack No Slick—A small poem in honor of Barack Obama for sticking his foot in his mouth. Cage Match: Pope Benedict vs. Diversity—Newsday pits Benedict against the modern world. Keeping Score—In marriage, when you play for a tie… Continue Reading →

Barack Belittle Barack No Slick

Barack belittleBarack no slickBarack in trouble with them called hicks Barack let flyBarack bad quotesBarack give Hillary a lot more votes.

Cage Match: Pope Benedict vs. Diversity

In this corner we have the man in white – the man who struck fear in the heart of liberal theologians everywhere whose mission was the Inquisition. Aided by the Holy Spirit here’s the the Octogenarian Theologian, the Pope who… Continue Reading →

Keeping Score

I’m a man. So therefore I keep score. Of everything. I could go days upon days secretly tallying my efforts and comparing them to my wife’s efforts. In my mind, she typically comes up a little short. I think of… Continue Reading →

Tabernacle Back Where It Belongs

Last October I wrote a story about a letter that Bishop Murphy of the Diocese of Rockville Centre wrote to my pastor. In the letter, Bishop Murphy lamented the comportment of the faithful prior to the celebration of the Eucharist…. Continue Reading →

Shine On You Crazy Jesus

I wrote the other day about the nightmare first communion rehearsal. In it, I described a song performed by the children in the sanctuary that … Then the children proceeded to the sanctuary right in front of the altar where… Continue Reading →

Weekend on CMR – April 12-13, 2008

Shine On You Crazy Jesus—Some video proof of my first communion nightmare. A First Communion Nightmare—I need to tell you a story. It is not a nice story. The horror of my daughter’s first communion rehearsal. Barack Belittle Looks Down… Continue Reading →

A First Communion Nightmare

I need to tell you a story. It is not a nice story. It is a wee bit long but please see it through to the end. On these pages I have often expressed my hope for the future of… Continue Reading →

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