Readers may remember the post on Scottish sculptor Alexander Stoddart posted on CMR some time back. Stoddart has been bravely wading upstream against the Modernist art establishment for decades, giving the world a kind of classical art which rises as… Continue Reading →
Peta, the animal rights lunatics, are running an ad campaign seeking to change the name of fish to…(wait for it)…sea kittens. I’m not kidding. This is from Peta’s website: People don’t seem to like fish. They’re slithery and slimy, and… Continue Reading →
O.K. Another reason to love Sarah Palin. According to John Ziegler, who was granted an interview with Sarah at her home in Alaska, she had a very strong reaction to see a picture of infamous MSNBC lunatic Keith Olbermann: If… Continue Reading →
Remember that famously former Catholic University that insists that it still has a Catholic and Jesuit “Identity”? (Whatever that means) Well here is your Catholic “Identity” at work. From Julia Duin at the Washington Times. Last week, I got a… Continue Reading →
If this doesn’t win an Oscar for best movie, I’m cancelling my Oscar party next year. And a little note – I’ll make the same caveat that Danielle Bean did. It’s not my child.H/T Danielle Bean
President-elect Barack Obama has offered the job of Surgeon General to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the CNN Medical correspondent for CNN. So CMR was wondering what other talking heads could be additions to the Obama White House and predicting how that… Continue Reading →
Throw The Baby Out With The Trash—Hospital throws baby’s body out with the trash. Not a person they say. What Choices Do Parents Have?—Do parents get to make a value judgement anymore when it comes to public schools? We Gots… Continue Reading →
On December 21st a pregnant Kalynn Moore, 26, of Jersey City went to the hospital. The doctors there discovered that her baby’s heart rate was dangerously low. They performed an emergency Caesarean birth. The doctors worked vigorously for twenty minutes… Continue Reading →
Is there a difference between a “banned” book and a book that parents decide they don’t want their children to read? Here’s why I ask: According to the Modesto Bee, a teacher in California assigned a book called “Bless Me,… Continue Reading →
The Pew Forum has some very interesting statistics about the religious makeup of the 111th Congress. Catholics members make up 30.1% of the House of Representatives and 26.3% of the Senate. Since 1960 no other denomination has grown in percentage… Continue Reading →
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