We Laugh Because We Believe

Month February 2009

Joe the Plumber or Julio the Burger Flipper?

Sometimes it’s all so simple. Choosing sides, I mean. There were two questions in recent months that made the media stand up and notice. On the one hand, you’ve got Joe the Plumber who asked presidential candidate Barack Obama why… Continue Reading →

Today on CMR – February 11, 2009

Williamson Unfairly Attacked—Yes, you read that right. In an effort to pile on, media lies. Joe Biden in a Meat Suit—It’s just Darwinism. The cool kid mocked Joe. So the wanna-be’s follow suit. Mary, Falling From Grace—The name Mary isn’t… Continue Reading →

Williamson Unfairly Attacked

Yes, you read that right. Now, as anyone who reads this website knows, I am no fan of Bishop Williamson and have often advocated that he be immediately retired to a dog track in Boca Raton. But fair is fair…. Continue Reading →

Joe Biden in a Meat Suit

President Obama intentionally initiated a golden age of Biden gaffes for the next few years by throwing his Vice President to the wolves during his national press conference Monday. It’s truly a perfect storm. I’ll explain. It started with Joe… Continue Reading →

Not Pope Joan Again?

No No No No No. There have been rumors that the nonsensical non-historical legend of Pope Joan is being made into a movie. Blech. IMDB shows that John Goodman is attached. I wasn’t able find other info but the latest… Continue Reading →

Mary, Falling From Grace

If you needed any more evidence that our culture is secularizing, I submit this. Of the most popular baby names in America, Mary doesn’t even make the top ten anymore, according to LiveScience. What does that say about us? Most… Continue Reading →

Today on CMR – February 10, 2008

Fr. Barron on Gran Torino (spolier alert!)—Dissects Clint Eastwood’s latest. Do You Suffer from ‘Ideological Blockage?’—Obama diagnoses millions with “ideological blockage.” You Cast Sarah Palin: The Movie!—Cating call for pretty actresses who hate conservatives…uhm…maybe we should narrow that down a… Continue Reading →

Fr. Barron on Gran Torino (spoiler alert!)

Fr. Barron’s take on Gran Torino:

Do You Suffer from ‘Ideological Blockage?’

The nation’s Healer, Barack Obama, diagnosed 46 percent of Americans in last night’s national press conference as sufferers of a newly discovered disease called “ideological blockage.” When asked about those who are against the stimulus, Obama responded with his diagnosis:… Continue Reading →

You Cast Sarah Palin: The Movie!

In the great tradition of making movies that offend half the country, Hollywood is now considering making a movie about Sarah Palin. You just know this will be a fair and even handed, even loving portrait of the woman. A… Continue Reading →

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