We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2010

Is “The Book of Eli” a Christian Movie?

You’ve probably seen the trailer for Denzel Washington’s latest movie. It seemed to me to be your basic post-apocalyptic violence soaked actioner. Now I love movies but I was definitely thinking this seemed like a cable movie. I like Denzel… Continue Reading →

The People Must Be Warned!!!!!!!!!

Alert! Beware! Enter at Your Own Risk! No killing happens here! In fact, no violence at all! You will only find love and counseling during a very difficult time of your life. Beware! The Michigan Daily reports: FemDems, the Women’s… Continue Reading →

Call Me Mr. Archbold

Doesn’t anyone want to be a grown-up anymore? When I was a child I wanted to grow up to be an adult. But now it seems so many of the adults I meet seemingly want to be children. I met… Continue Reading →

Haiti: Miraculous Rescue of 13 Yr Old Girl

In a sea of horror, a glimmer of hope.

The “Plywood over Jesus” Precedent

Don’t anyone dare act surprised. There’s clear precedent for this. Remember when the White House asked Georgetown to cover a a gold “IHS” monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name with a piece of black-painted plywood while Obama gave his speech? Well that… Continue Reading →

Today is My Brother’s Funeral

Today is my brother Kevin’s funeral. I promise we’ll be back to posting regularly tomorrow.

New Catholic Music by Kevin Allen

Like the “Second Spring” we’ve been seeing in church architecture, there is also something of a renewal of church music these days… and one of its bright lights is Chicago composer and conductor Kevin Allen. We are fortunate that he… Continue Reading →

Shrum Attacks Bishops and Catholic Pols

The powers that be n the Democrat party must be getting real nervous over the final passage of the health-care bill if Bob Shrum’s article in The Week Magazine is any indication. Shrum, a Georgetown graduate and a political consultant… Continue Reading →

The Inigo Montoya Abortion Defense

The New York Times reports that Tennessee Harold Ford is looking to be the next Senator from…New York? Yup. Well New York brought it on themselves by electing a former First Lady from Arkansas as their Senator so all bets… Continue Reading →

Its The Condesscension Stupid

By now you have seen and heard about Senate Majority leaders unbelievably stupid remarks about Barack Obama in which he called him a “light-skinned” African American with no discernible “Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Harry apologized for… Continue Reading →

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