The Consecration of Mary Glasspool as an Episcopal bishop on Saturday was incredible. They had odes to Mother Earth, random pagan rituals, a smudging ceremony to increase their relationship to plants or something, a smidge of ancestor Worship thrown in,… Continue Reading →
Have you ever had one of those experiences wherein you got sick after eating or drinking something and then, even though you know that the sickness was probably not related to that food item, you just cannot stand to look… Continue Reading →
A friend of mine called me earlier this week to help him move a pool table to his basement. You get this kind of call a lot when you’re a stay at home Dad. People know you’re usually around. So… Continue Reading →
The Associated Press is reporting that a Texas bus driver who was driving late at night nearly ran over a baby girl sitting in the middle of the road. The girl is fine, but her mother is now fighting to… Continue Reading →
Yup. There’s lot of Americans who haven’t gotten the memo that there’s no such thing as a pro-life Democrat. Or maybe they got the memo but they’re just not reading it. Jim Geraghty writes: Critz ran as a conservative: Some… Continue Reading →
This sounds like good economic policy. Inspiring people to become bums/artists is now entrepreneurial, according to Nancy Pelosi. So they’ll get government grants to pursue their art and free healthcare. And all you taxpayers just sit back and appreciate the… Continue Reading →
By now you may have seen the report that scientists have mapped the Neanderthal genome and discovered that they are our ancestors. (Yeah, like Ron Perlman wasn’t a dead giveaway?!?) The way the media have reported this is that the… Continue Reading →
You ready for a piece that pinpoints the lunacy of our legal system when it comes to parenthood and abortion? A column in Mens News Daily called “Time to Abort Fatherhood at Will” is an in-your-face read with some great… Continue Reading →
There’s a good news/bad news thing going on here. The good news is that noted atheist Ted Turner seems to believe in God now, I guess. The bad news is that Ted Turner thinks God agrees with him. Ted Turner… Continue Reading →
The Arizona Immigration Bill is ten pages long yet three…count ’em….three(!!!) high ranking Obama administration officials have admitted publicly that they haven’t read the bill even though they’ve all criticized it. Here’s the thing. A lot of people are freaking… Continue Reading →
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