We Laugh Because We Believe

Month December 2010

Westboro Baptist to Picket Catholic HS in Philly

The nuts from Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing two Catholic high schools in Philadelphia on the basis that it would seem that, according to them, that the Catholic school teaches premarital sex and birth control are ok. And oh… Continue Reading →

The Public School 12 Days of Winter

Funny ’cause it’s true. HT Divine Ripples

CS Lewis Schools Wolffe on Palin

HT The Blaze

Great! At Home Gender Selection

A woman my wife is friendly with just announced she was pregnant and that even though she was just a few weeks into her pregnancy she was going to learn the gender of the baby in the 7th week. My… Continue Reading →

Worst Toy Ever

File this under things my children will not be getting for Christmas. The ad is in German but you’ll get the gist. HT The Blaze

This is Why Mitch Daniels Won’t Get My Vote

Indiana Governor Mitch “The Truce” Daniels will not get my vote for President. No way. No how. And I think most of you will agree. Check out what he said today about pro-life legislation: He told 6News in Indianapolis that… Continue Reading →

She Chose Life

Excellent story from CBS about a mother who was told by a doctor that her twins would be born vegetables and she should abort, instead chose life. Check it out:

Overpopulation is a Myth

Check out these vids from the Population Reseach Institute concerning showing that overpopulation is a myth. Al Kresta says this debate has a spiritual and theological dimension and I agree with him – not that anybody cares what I think.

A Look of Christmas Horror

You don’t know what horror looks like until you’ve seen the face of a five year old boy who believes he just created his own personal Christmas apocalypse through a tiny little oversight. My five year old boy climbed into… Continue Reading →

Fr. Barron on Leaving the Church

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