The nuts from Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing two Catholic high schools in Philadelphia on the basis that it would seem that, according to them, that the Catholic school teaches premarital sex and birth control are ok. And oh yeah, the students are demon possessed.
Hey, you want logic out of people who picket military funerals and whose website is
Father Judge High School in Philadelphia, PA December 20, 2010 2:00 PM – 2:25 PMWBC to picket Father Judge High School. The children in this country are in peril. They do not know God, they do not know His standards, and the worst part is that they are purposefully raised on lies. You teach your children that God is a liar! God says no premaritaly sex. You say, as long as you use birth control and condemns, go ahead and fornicate your brains out! Oh, and if those don’t work, no problem, just murder the baby (though God says, Thou shalt not kill. Ex 20:13) God says NO FAGS! (Le 18:22) You say, it’s OK to be gay. God says obey and keep His commandments. (De 13:4) You say, how does that make you feeeeeeeeeeeel?! Wake up! You are raising your children to have NO moral compass. Instead, you give them a PhD in pride and rebellion before they are out of grade school. Then, you encourage them to out onto the battlefields where they will inevitably receive their own GodSmack – either coming up maimed or dead – and having no idea why! They need to know that God is a consuming fire! (De 4:24) They need to know that their God is the one that holds the breath of life!
De 32:39 See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.
The need to be taught to obey! Today! We know that this will not happen, but they must hear the words lest their blood be on our hands. This is a nation that will not hear the words or obey God. You have made God your enemy and you send you children over to be in the cross hairs of that angry God. You should humble yourselves underneath His mighty hand and obey for the rest of your life. Amen!
They’re also going to picket another Catholic high school in Philly because the kids are “Demon possessed.”
Archbishop Ryan High School in Philadelphia, PA December 20, 2010 7:10 AM – 7:40 AMWBC to come to Archbishop Ryan High School to show the children at this school some truth for probably the only time in their lives. They have been taught a steady diet of lies their whole lives with a side of pride and rebellion. You raise these demon-possessed brats to have no knowledge of the Bible, much less a true understanding of their God. Now there is an entire generation that has no idea what it means to be obedient to their God. Instead, they worship their feeeeeeeeeeeelings. How shameful. They have NO moral compass! They grope around in darkness day and night, believing the twin lies (God loves everybody and It’s OK to be gay) that they have been taught their whole lives. The parents, preachers, teachers, and leaders – all the way up to Antichrist Obama – are to blame. You have all neglected your Deutoronomy 6 duty. Shame on you!! Your destruction is imminent!
HT Laura, a faithful reader
December 14, 2010 at 3:53 am
I hope the schools don't ignore this- have a very peaceful, counter-demonstration- nuns and monks quietly praying the rosary (with pamphlets showing Bible verses on mysteries)- and students learning what the Church teaches
December 14, 2010 at 6:38 am
The westboro Baptist church is a bunch of nut jobs. I don't condone what they do at all because they are CRAZY. But I do have to say, I know many of the Catholic High Schools seem to ignore church teaching on pre-marital sex and birth control along with many other things or at the very least they turn a blind eye. At least the high schoolers I know seem to be sexing it up and drugging it up and alcoholing it up. And it is not isolated, it is EVERYWHERE. It is a really sad state of things. Take for example a look at some of the Catholic High School students facebook pages, which are usually not secure. Here is a quote I found from a student at Father Ryan High School in Nashville, TN, "i give a pound to my man with my right hand i roll a blunt with the left hand give it to the best man."
Now I know a blunt is just a cigar with pot inside of it. The same student wrote , "
A.T. likes: boobs, boobs, boobs,boobs, big boobs and my personal favorite to see from Fr. Ryan, a student saying, "I hate kids, that's why I pull out everytime I F…" Lets move on to Charlotte Catholic High School, in NC where students get arrested for possession of pot, but the school does nothing.
Or the parent of the student is arrested for serving minors and nothing is done;
Just go on facebook or myspace and look up some of these schools and their students. Personally I think it is a parent problem, but the schools I have seen do not reinforce the morality of church teaching very well. When you can go to a football game and see a freshman boy stick his hands down the pants of a freshman girl, it is a very sad state of things. I don't know the answer, but in my investigation of Catholic High Schools, I have been sorely disappointed. These are just a few of the horrific things I have seen from High School Kids. From kids passed out drunk and doing beer bongs, posted on their pages. Where are these kids parents? Why is this stuff not monitored. We've all heard about the bullying, but what about the deplorable behavior these kids are posting about THEMSELVES. Anyway, off my soapbox now. That said I do not in anyway agree with or affiliate myself with the Nutjob Westboro Baptist "Church.
December 14, 2010 at 12:14 pm
I wonder about that Nutjob Westboro operation. Doesn't it seem odd that a "church" that is neatly contained in a house somewhere in the suburbs can send hateful protests all over the country?
I have to wonder who actually funds them, and to what end. I also have to wonder if some of those "Westboro" protesters aren't rent-a-sign.
Anyone have any info on that? Google isn't much help on this one.
December 14, 2010 at 1:13 pm
Well, the highschool probably isn't teaching Catholic sexual ethics, thanks for pointing it out.
Unless crazy church believes that simply teaching something gets 100% adherence, in which case they are no more than a cult and are upset that the Catholic church isn't and allows for free will.
December 14, 2010 at 3:14 pm
Wow, I am a faithful Catholic, and I completely agree with the Westboro nuts here…
Everything they said in the letters is true. Disregard that they are loony and look at it from a truly Catholic perspective for a moment.
Dear God, if the Church doesn't say it, which it currently doesn't, the very stones cry out.
December 14, 2010 at 3:17 pm
I'm convinced Westboro Baptist is just a front Fred Phelps uses to incite people to hit him sue them for massive sums of money. Its just gravy for him that he also gets to smear religious conservatives.
He is a democrat operative, running for senator in Kansas as a democrat, getting 30% of the primary vote.
Its the only thing that logically explains his seemingly erratic behavior.
December 14, 2010 at 4:37 pm
Do they picket public schools, too, then?
December 14, 2010 at 4:43 pm
So let me get this straight…
We have an example of Anti-Catholicism making an offensive confrontation seeking to make false accusations before the youth of Catholic schools…
and the comments seem to be leaning towards complaining about the abuses within some Catholic schools.
Talk about missing the big point here.
December 14, 2010 at 5:04 pm
I think the point is Westboro is crazy! Everyone gets that. But what people also get is that we do have a problem in the Catholic schools. The Big point is Westboro is drawing attention (something they want, and I think I agree with the guy that says they are some kind of operative), but there would be nothing to protest if the children really were living the teaching of the schools.
December 14, 2010 at 8:06 pm
Westboro's people are psychically, morally, and spiritally stunted folks. Their leader is an insane psychopath who has brutalized his family over the last fifty years. Look up the online article "Addicted To Hate" IT'S A REAL LIFE HORROR STORY! Wife abuse, child abuse, drug abuse, verbal abuse, financal fraud, well you name it, this story has it. With that, I'd like to make a comment about their protests. They protest because they hate everybody. It doesn't matter wheather you are guilty of something or not; if you're a member of a group they hate, you will be targeted. Juscot
December 14, 2010 at 9:33 pm
yes, they picket public schools, too…the school my husband works at was targeted for the GLSEN club that the kids have, apparently? And the trick is DEFINITELY to ignore them, do not give them one minute of attention. Do your best to keep the media away, and don't give them anything to argue with. However, if they set FOOT on the campus, nail them to the extent the law allows.
December 14, 2010 at 10:57 pm
If they were picketing in my town, they wouldn't be able to get close to the students at the Catholic high schools. Most of the campuses are large and, unlike public schools, the property is private. My daughter's school has an odd entrance drive. If someone were to stand on the public property closest to the school, you wouldn't be able to see it from the school itself.