Check out these vids from the Population Reseach Institute concerning showing that overpopulation is a myth.
Al Kresta says this debate has a spiritual and theological dimension and I agree with him – not that anybody cares what I think.
Check out these vids from the Population Reseach Institute concerning showing that overpopulation is a myth.
Al Kresta says this debate has a spiritual and theological dimension and I agree with him – not that anybody cares what I think.
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December 11, 2010 at 1:58 am
Yep, definitely a spiritual and theological dimension. No doubt!
December 11, 2010 at 3:17 am
Reading the comments on YouTube, you can see what a great education the is to be had in our society these days. No one can do the math, they have all been drinking the "overpopulation Koolaid" and nobody can spell or punctuate.
December 11, 2010 at 10:31 pm
Twenty three of the last twenty five years have been drought years in Ethiopia and, without food aid from outside, there would have been massive famine.
In that same time, the population of Ethiopia has doubled.
Are you saying that's a good thing? Or has the population of Ethiopia plainly outstripped the resources availible there to support it?
December 11, 2010 at 10:39 pm
Ethiopia's problem is massive corruption and war, not excess people.
December 13, 2010 at 1:29 am
These vids are right on. Love it.
December 13, 2010 at 6:15 am
As I say in the chapter "Answering Chicken Little" in my pro-Humanae Vitae book "Sex Au Naturel: What It Is and Why It's Good For Your Marriage" (ERP: 2010). Foreword by Peter Kreeft.
Al Kresta interviewed me about it. Dissenters to HV eventually bring up the overpop myth sooner or later, once their other arguments are demolished.
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