This is not the end of the road, it is the closer to the beginning. But Wow. President Barack Obama’s health care reform legislation, assailed as an abuse of federal power in a 26-state lawsuit, was ruled unconstitutional by a… Continue Reading →
I loved this. Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric discuss the Internet in 1994. It is no knock on them that they didn’t know, after all it was 1994. But still. My kids don’t even understand that there was once a… Continue Reading →
I attended a funeral recently of a man I used to work with. Something happened there that got me thinking. I can’t tell you how many Catholic funerals I’ve been to where I was assured that the deceased was with… Continue Reading →
Want to know the real reason for the widely abused and misunderstood concept of the separation of Church and State? America was founded by those fleeing state imposed religion. Many of those fleeing this oppression left jolly old England. If… Continue Reading →
An article entitled “The right-wing agenda of the exorcism movie” over at shows one thing very clearly, when you are a liberal, even the simplest acknowledgment of actual evil in the world is a right wing plot. The author,… Continue Reading →
Michael Voris on a House Divided. Yeah. What he said.
So these are the anti-choice extremists that the media and the Department of Homeland Security would have us be so scared of. I don’t know. They look kinda’ joyful to me. Thanks to Frank Weathers
Last week, CMR published a story about the Director of the Catholic Campaign For Human Development (CCHD). In the piece we brought to light the fact that while Director of the CCHD, an ostensibly Catholic organization, Ralph McCloud simultaneously held… Continue Reading →
The U.S. military is reportedly looking into state of the art stealth technology employed by pro-lifers at least once a year. Said one Pentagon official: “Once a year on the same day they announce the time and the date they’re… Continue Reading →
Another inspiring American Idol story via Chelsea Zimmerman This is a heckuva guy. Please check out Chelsea’s blog Reflections of a Paralytic for some insightful commentary.
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