We Laugh Because We Believe

Month October 2011

SBA’s Pro-Life Jack-O-Lantern

This is pretty cool from the Susan B. Anthony List. Remember this Halloween, the scariest place in the world right now is a mother’s womb. So keep the SBA-List in your prayers as they fight the good fight.

Ten Greatest Halloween Costumes…Evah

Here are the Top Ten Greatest (or worst) Halloween Costumes Ever. And I mean Ever. My wife wouldn’t let me put any of the kids in these but that’s because she’s not as cool as I am. Believe me, if… Continue Reading →


You ever wonder if what you do makes a difference?

Christians Die, Obama Yawns

I recently read an article that said that Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world and nowhere more persecuted than in the middle east. Pope Benedict recently expressed concern for the persecution of Christians around the world. Coptic… Continue Reading →

Call: Tax Funded 30 Week Abortion

This video from Operation Rescue just sickens me. A woman calls an abortionist asking to abort a baby at 30 weeks. And she’s told that Medicaid will foot the bill.

Santorum Ad Features Miracle Daughter

This is pretty amazing. It’s so good that I don’t even want to put it into a political perspective because with Santorum I kinda’ feel like he’s the real thing. A real family man who puts family first. HT LifeNews.com

Jim Rockford Tells off Occupy Wall Street

Well, kind of. HT John Nolte from Big Hollywood.

Cain: Abortion Now OK In Case of Rape or Incest

I think I’m kinda’ fed up with Herman Cain. Holy cow. Just days after announcing he was pro-life with “no exceptions,” his campaign is now telling CNN that he’s for abortion in cases of rape or incest. What?! CNN reports:… Continue Reading →

UN Official: Abortion is a “Human Right.”

A new report from a United Nations official claimed abortion as a “human right” and calls for decriminalization of and the removal of legal barriers related to abortion. Liberals are pleased as punch and believe this will change the world…. Continue Reading →

Eric Holder Needs To Go

I have said for a while that Fast & Furious will result in jail time for some and resignations for others. I have also speculated that under normal circumstances Eric Holder would be done fer. Although Obama has not shown… Continue Reading →

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