We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2011

Say “Amen” and Go Directly to Jail

Freedom of speech is DOA in the USA folks. A federal judge has ruled that nobody at a high school graduation can use religious terms like “prayer” and “Amen.” So, remember that whole thing about “Congress shall make no law… Continue Reading →


A spurious conceit informs the mantra of our age, drilled into our children at every turn, that you can do anything if you just try hard enough. The knowledge that I, from time to time, find myself teaching this foolish… Continue Reading →

Fr. Barron on Malick’s “Tree of Life”

If you had told me that I’d ever see another movie with Sean Penn in it I’d have been pretty surprised but I am pumped to see Malick’s new movie “Tree of Life.” The always brilliant Fr. Barron has a… Continue Reading →

Notre Dame Is Lying

William McGurn shatters the falsehoods put forth by Notre Dame to support the election of an abortion supporter, Roxanne Martino, to their Board of Trustees. The chairman of the university’s board of trustees, Richard Notebaert and University President Father Jenkins… Continue Reading →

No Morals, No Scandal

We’ve kept away from the whole Anthony Weiner scandal for a while just because it’s just so icky. But I read this and couldn’t help but wonder what is wrong with Congressman Anthony Weiner? It’s looking increasingly like he sent… Continue Reading →

An Amazing Story of Forgiveness

This is a pretty remarkable story of horror and forgiveness. Rosario Rodriguez runs her own Catholic blog if you want to check her out.

The Single Most Amazing Thing

The single most amazing thing. I don’t know what else to say about this. This is possibly the coolest most amazing thing I have ever seen on the Youtubes. How they pulled this off, I do not know. My hat… Continue Reading →

Worst Dad…Evah!!!

Getting ready for Father’s Day, this video should be a cautionary tale about what not to do. There may be worse fathers whose bad-Dad-ness was televised nationally but I can’t think of any. And to make it worse the guy… Continue Reading →

Drug Tests for Welfare Recipients

Hot Air Pundit reports that the governor of Florida just signed legislation requiring welfare recipients to take a drug test. Said Governor Rick Scott, “While there are certainly legitimate needs for public assistance, it is unfair for Florida taxpayers to… Continue Reading →

Voris Indicts Catholic Media

I think that Michael Voris makes some excellent points in this hard hitting video. Longtime readers of CMR know that I have no problem taking off the gloves from time to time. Voris is exactly right that some leaders within… Continue Reading →

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