We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2012

The Daughters of the Anti-Women Candidate

You’ve got to see this video. The Santorum girls are so absolutely poised and wonderful in this interview. Amazing that an anti-woman neanderthal like Rick Santorum could have girls like this. HT The Corner

Bible Translators Edit Out “Father” and “Son” For Fear Muslims Taking Offense

So instead of baptizing “in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” it’ll now be “In the name of Allah, his Messiahand his Holy Spirit” if some Bible translators get their way. Weasel Zippers has the… Continue Reading →

What About This Jefferson Quote?

You know how libs are always screaming about the separation of church and state in the Constitution? And you know how we always remind them that it’s not actually there. It’s in a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote. And in that… Continue Reading →

Newt Should Not Make This Guy Mad

What song is it that everyone in the world listens to to get all pumped up? That’s right. Eye of the Tiger. Well, the guy who wrote “Eye of the Tiger” is mad at Newt. It would seem to me… Continue Reading →

The New Weather Underground

Unless you conform, unless you are loyal to the party, then you are not fit for work. After all, consensus is your queue to stop thinking for yourself. Anything else is frowned upon. Concerned that too many “deniers” are in… Continue Reading →

Sometimes Prayer Is Not Enough

We are in a war. It is not a war of our choosing, but a war upon us none the less. And if we choose to act as if we are not at war, we will lose. We can pray… Continue Reading →

Shock: Organization Founded by Racist Calls for Fewer Black People

International Planned Parenthood Federation just released a shocking new strategic plan (and by shocking I mean not shocking at all) for the Africa Region for 2010 to 2015 that calls for an 82 percent increase in the number of abortions,… Continue Reading →

Touching Vid: Change

This is very well made and pretty darn touching. HT Sherry Antonetti

Santorum’s Daughter in Hospital

Rick Santorum admitted his three-year-old daughter, Isabella, to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia on Saturday, the campaign said in a statement. Isabella was born with Trisomy 18, a rare genetic disorder. Most infants with this disorder don’t live to see… Continue Reading →

The Cutest Kid Blowing Out Candle Vid…Evah!!!

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