We Laugh Because We Believe

Month July 2012

Mom Sells Baby for Pick-Up Truck

*subhead*Haggling fail.*subhead* Total haggling fail. She should’ve at least haggled for a 2003 model. Oh but methanphetamines were thrown in so… Authorities say a 30-year-old woman sold a baby boy for a 1999 Dodge Dakota truck in Kentucky and then… Continue Reading →

Anti-Baby Party To Become Anti-Family Party?

*subhead*Destruction.*subhead* Remember the good old days when the Democrat Party was just anti-baby. Well, not anymore. Now it seems they’re ready to announce that they’re anti-the whole entire family. The Politico reports that the Democrat party platform drafting committee is… Continue Reading →

Baker Targeted For Refusing Gay Wedding Cake

*subhead*Different strokes? Not anymore.*subhead* Jack Phillips sells a lot of cakes. But one cake he refused to sell has brought the tolerance thugs to his door, pitchforks and torches at the ready. LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4) – …The owner of Masterpiece… Continue Reading →

Catholic Ninjas

*subhead*Hide away.*subhead* The whole thing about ninjas is you don’t know they’re with you and you don’t know when they’ve left. Oh they’re out there. Catholic ninjas. They come into your lives, they live near you, they’re part of your… Continue Reading →

Warning to Pro-Lifers, There Are Many Ways to Become a Zombie

*subhead*Educated zombie.*subhead* I saw this and thought it was funny. In a funny ’cause it’s true way. Pro-lifers are constantly talking about how we’ll win in the end because we have more children. And then us idiot pro-lifers send our… Continue Reading →

The Hobbit Is Officially A Trilogy

*subhead*Three is better than two?.*subhead* The Hobbit Is Officially A Trilogy. Peter Jackson has embarked on an unexpected journey indeed, as the filmmaker has revealed that his two-part adaptation of “The Hobbit” has now officially added a third movie. In… Continue Reading →

Not Trying to Turn Back the Clock

*subhead*What time is it?*subhead* You know what drives me crazy? When people say, “Well, you can’t turn the clock back” about some issue like abortion or gay marriage. Underlying this cliche is the assumption that some vision of liberal utopia… Continue Reading →

The Mark of The Beast and Chick-Fil-A

*subhead*Nothing new under the sun.*subhead* “Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless… Continue Reading →

Fr. Barron on The Devil

*subhead*Expectedly brilliant.*subhead* The brilliance of Fr. Barron is not only does he tell you things you didn’t know but he also makes you confront things you unknowingly and sometimes mistakenly accepted as truth.

What A Boob!

*subhead*Nanny Bloomberg said what?!?*subhead* Everybody knows Mayor Bloomberg thinks he is everyone’s nanny, but now he thinks he is their wet-nurse too! Bloomberg wants to use the power of government to coerce women into breastfeeding by treating formula like a… Continue Reading →

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