*subhead*Oh Nooooo.*subhead*

I write for the National Catholic Register so sometimes I’ll get an email or a call from public relations people to interview a writer or a celebrity. It’s kinda’ cool. I know some writers and reporters get it all the time so it’s kinda’ boring for them but for me it’s still pretty cool.

Last year, I interviewed Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez and another time I interviewed Teresa Tomeo over the phone. She’s the easiest interview ever because you ask her one question and she’s so passionate and knowledgeable that she’ll talk for the whole interview.

But all in all I think I’m a pretty terrible interviewer because I always do a lot of research and then I completely get thrown off and just end up having a conversation and very little to use for a story. But even knowing that I’m the world’s worst interviewer didn’t prepare me for the disaster of my interview on Friday with the great Catholic actor Eduardo Verástegui.

Survivors of the Titanic would be like “duuude.”

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