This is disgusting. New York City Council is seeking to provide escorts for women entering abortion clinics.

Presumably, taxpayer money will fund this operation at some level. A number of pro-lifers protested this plan over the weekend.

The clinic president said they need the government escorts because women “have the right” to abortion “without people praying for their souls.”


The NY Daily News reports:

Msgr. Philip Reilly of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Jamaica described Quinn’s program as one-sided government

“It doesn’t make sense. She’s supposed to be my representative,” said Reilly, who organized Saturday’s protest. “If she wants to do that, she should resign.”

On Friday, Quinn announced that the City Council will begin deploying volunteers on Nov. 1 to help protect patients at abortion clinics.

“Having this program will help ensure women’s safety,” Merle Hoffman, president of the Choices clinic, said of the City Council’s Clinic Protection Program.

“Women should have the right to make their choices without people praying for their souls,” said Hoffman, who was joined about 15 supporters in front her clinic Saturday for a counter demonstration

It’s not clear what powers these “escorts” will have as they’re going to be agents of the government.

Something tells me that when it comes to a court to decide between our right to pray and someone else’s “right” not to be prayed for, we’ll end up on the losing side.
