We Laugh Because We Believe

Month October 2012

Gallup Back to Romney +5

Double ruh roh!! Gallup is back to Romney 51 Obama 46. *subhead*End game?.*subhead*

Hey, Where Did the Jack-O-Lantern Come From?

Boom! Some knowledge: *subhead*Boom.*subhead*

Common Sense Of Man

Americans, whatever their political persuasions, hold the office of the Presidency in high esteem. I think that sometimes we substitute hope where the reality of change should be obvious. My attempt at civics101 at the link>>>>

Who’s Got the More Awesome Celebrities?

Yeah yeah, Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama today. Ho freakin’ hum. Guess who Romney got? Meatloaf. Dude, this is not a contest. Meatloaf wins that one hands down. Seriously, who would you rather have over for a barbecue? Powell or… Continue Reading →

Creepiest Political Ad…Ever

The Obama campaign has put out an ad that corroborates my theory that the Obama campaign sees women as simply private parts that vote. You ask Obama about female pay equity and he chats up abortion and contraception. And now… Continue Reading →

Ted Turner: Military Suicides are “Good.”

Shaking head sadly. *subhead*Nut.*subhead*

Dem Tries to Bully Bishop Into Shutting Up

This is rich. A Catholic Democrat state Senator decides the Church is wrong on issues such as abortion, euthanasia, same-sex “marriage” and embryonic stem cell research. Then, not only does the “Catholic” politician say the Church is wrong, but he… Continue Reading →

Ginsburg Didn’t Want Just Baby Minorities Dead. She Wanted Them All Dead.

So here’s some good news. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Vader Ginsburg who said she that she though Roe v. Wade would be just perfect for getting rid of “populations that we don’t want to have to many of” doesn’t just… Continue Reading →

Massachusetts To Vote on Assisted Suicide

Massachusetts is set to vote on a referendum legalizing assisted suicide. This will be a disaster, if passed. And polls indicate that it’s about to pass. This is, as they say, a recipe for disaster. It’s also sure to guarantee… Continue Reading →

Major Obama Donor “F–k You Catholics! “

A major Obama donor and donor to the Democrat party (over $120,000 this election cycle) is caught on video saying “F— you, you Catholics!” Knight bellows over cheers from her audience. “We will come on you in a terror,” Knight… Continue Reading →

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