We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2014

Blood Moons and Other Portents

There has been a bit of internet flutter regarding the rare celestial event of a Tetrad of Blood Moons. In case you have been under a rock these last weeks, the tetrad, or four consecutive and complete lunar eclipses, occurring… Continue Reading →

That 60 Minutes Piece On Pope Francis

There I was, innocently watching the Masters green jacket ceremony. When it was over, 60 Minutes preview came on. The episode would profile Pope Francis. I know I should have known better, but I watched it. It was a completely… Continue Reading →

Some Happy Abortion News…for KKK Members

Katherin McCann of Ohio Right to Life wrote a very disturbing op-ed that should delight racists everywhere. In 2012, 9,694 African-American babies in Ohio were aborted. Though African-American women make up less than 8 percent of our state’s population, 42… Continue Reading →

Another School Horrified By Orthodoxy

The RI Independent reports this very revealing article in which young students and their parents are horrified by orthodoxy. And then comes the apology and hand wringing. The Rev. Francis “Rocky” Hoffman, a priest of Opus Dei, an orthodox division… Continue Reading →

My God, My God. Why Hast Thou Left The Gun And Taken The Cannoli?

Were I to say to any man between the age of 18 to 60, “Leave the gun, take the cannoli,” I would venture to say that 99% of men of a certain age would know exactly what I was talking… Continue Reading →

12 Common Catholic Problems

Your priest absolutely knows its you in confession because you’re the only one there who has four kids who confess right before you. You’re active participation is questionable at Mass because you’re watching your son, the altar boy, to make… Continue Reading →

This is Just too Perfect. Sebelius’s Resignation Glitch

Kathleen Sebelius’ resignation can’t even come off without a glitch. A perfect metaphor. HT Twitchy *subhead*Ha.*subhead*

Jesus Has Been Mailing It In Lately

Come on. This is ridiculous. In the past, Jesus’ image has turned up on all sorts of food products but now I guess He’s gotten a bit bored because he’s now putting the image of golfers on danishes. Golfers? On… Continue Reading →

Come on, Doesn’t Hillary Look a Little Like Smeagol Here

My preciooussssss! Come on. It does kinda’ look like that, right? Someone just threw a piece of paper at her so she understandable cringed. People shouldn’t throw things at anybody. But her reaction is still kinda’ funny to look at…. Continue Reading →

Farewell Kathleen Sebelius

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is resigning. The damage she’s done will outlive her tenure at the White House. Much of the media attention is focused on whether she was forced out for the website failures. I couldn’t… Continue Reading →

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