There I was, innocently watching the Masters green jacket ceremony. When it was over, 60 Minutes preview came on. The episode would profile Pope Francis.
I know I should have known better, but I watched it.
It was a completely progressive puff piece on the Pope that reiterated all the liberal talking points about the Church and about Pope Francis’ first year. It was essentially a representation of every stupid article that construed every papal utterance as supporting a complete reformation of the Church in the model of secular-atheist ethics.
That is all rather unsurprising. What was a little surprising is that they used Robert Mickens as the voice of analysis to weave all these stories together and to paint a picture of the Pope as ready to change just about everything.
Why is this surprising? Robert Mickens is the Rome correspondent of the ridiculously progressive Tablet (aka the Bitter pill). Actually, I should say that he is the suspended Rome correspondent of the Bitter Pill. Why? What would cause the ultra-progressive Tablet to suspend Mickens? Well, he wished Pope Benedict (whom he calls ‘the Rat’) would die. Yup, he wished Pope Benedict XVI dead, and insulted him in the process.
This is who 60 Minutes uses to profile Pope Francis.
April 14, 2014 at 4:23 pm
Unbiased media simply reporting information in an objective fashion….yep.
April 14, 2014 at 4:23 pm
I saw this show come on last night and my husband thought it was worth watching. He is a convert and knows I am a devout Catholic. So when I said I was not watching the 60 Minutes piece, he was taken aback. I knew it would put a liberal twist on everything that this Pope has said and done. Liberals always want people to agree with them. Otherwise they crush you. Their love affair with Francis won't last. It may take a few years, but soon they'll be unable to twist the truth and he will become a target of their machine also. I was not aware of the Mickens piece, so thank you for bringing that to light.
April 14, 2014 at 4:36 pm
Cue up stories of how the Pope is being manipulated and controlled by "conservative Vatican insiders."
April 14, 2014 at 8:37 pm
I watched the piece, too. What a waste of time.
April 14, 2014 at 10:21 pm
CBS is not alone in its ignorance.
A young teacher of my acquaintance is crossing the Tiber this Holy Week, and while searching for a quote from Papa Francis in a note to her I was distressed to see so much hostility (I think I'm supposed to say "vitriol" here, but I don't know what vitriol is) toward our Holy Father by people purporting to be Catholics.
To know what the Holy Father says, one must read the Holy Father's unedited speeches and talks themselves, not what some third party says he says. I certainly miss our German Shepherd very much, but I know that he is praying for all of us and I also know that Papa Francis teaches the same truths that Papa Ratzi did. That is, after all, the nature of Truth.
April 15, 2014 at 7:18 pm
Pat you should not IMHO listen to anything the secular media and press would say about Francis. Look the fact is and this has been going on for over a year is that many though not all of Francis Fans hate Benedict and vice versa. They also misrepresented soon to be John XXIII check out what John said about the old Mass. Yet he continues to be called a revolutionary pope because of his openness and Vatican II. It's sad.
April 17, 2014 at 9:49 pm
How dare 60 Minutes think the pope sides with their views! Next thing you know, so will The Advocate, Time, and Rolling Stone. But they problem will be theirs, and have nothing to do with images intentionally conveyed by His Holiness and the refrains he repeatedly emphasizes. He is just totally misrepresented.