Now, we’ve all seen it quite often where a Catholic college invites some pro-abortion politican or notable celebrity that has said terrible anti-Catholic things. When pressed, the administration usually says something about “academic freedom.” Now, academic freedom should not outweigh… Continue Reading →
What we have witnessed so far is the just the start of the was against the Church in this country. They will not stop until they can throw us in jail simply for being Catholic. ACLU Sues Feds To Make… Continue Reading →
A group of faithful Catholic nuns of the Dominican Sisters of Mary walked out of their classrooms at Marin Catholic High School near San Francisco in protest of the pro-gay agenda literature being handed out by students on school grounds…. Continue Reading →
I watched the new movie “Little Boy” with my nine year old son and seven year old daughter. We all loved it. It is a beautiful story about faith and love. It’s the kind of movie you just don’t see… Continue Reading →
Every successive trailer for this movie makes me want to see it more!! *subhead*Cray Cray.*subhead*
“We’re not in Mayberry Anymore, Toto.” A priest in Ann Arbor Michigan handed out a pro-gun ownership letter to parishioners entitled, “We’re Not in Mayberry Anymore, Toto” which reportedly encouraged Catholics to own a gun for protection. I’m not sure… Continue Reading →
Now, to be fair, the president of the college didn’t rule out the college hosting a drag show entirely in the future but it’s cancelled for now. And that’s good news. (Mind you, this is not the faithful Thomas Aquinas… Continue Reading →
Princeton University “ethics” professor Peter Singer is at it again, now arguing it is eminently “reasonable” for the government to refuse treatment to severely disabled babies. This is nothing new for Singer but what’s new is that he thinks his… Continue Reading →
Vatican City, Apr 21, 2015 / 04:47 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Nearly two and a half years after being the first U.S. bishop convicted of a misdemeanor in failing to report suspected child abuse by a priest in his diocese, Kansas… Continue Reading →
Tony Campolo, former spiritual adviser to President Bill Clinton and self proclaimed “pro-life Democrat,” is saying that pro-lifers should support Hillary Clinton for president because her awesome policies will lead to a fifty percent reduction in abortion in the United… Continue Reading →
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