They have been putting the full-court press on me for weeks. I finally gave in. We went on vacation this weekend and this is who we came home with. Maggie. It is a cockapoo. It is two bad words in… Continue Reading →
A new movie being made about one of the most famous Christians of the 20th century, an Olympic runner Eric Liddell, will reportedly ignore his Christianity. You might remember Liddell’s story because of his refusal to run in the 1924… Continue Reading →
It’s like John Kasich has been so inspired by how Jeb Bush is doing in the polls and has decided to also run to the center. Now he’s saying he doesn’t need the Bible to help him decide where he… Continue Reading →
The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord George Carey, appearing in a video made by the English assisted suicide group Dignity in Dying, argues for assisted suicing, calling it a “profoundly Christian and moral thing.” This is how the slope gets… Continue Reading →
The organization, Stem Express, is distancing itself from Planned Parenthood faster than Democrats from Hillary. This is good news. Politico reports: StemExpress, one of the tissue companies that works with Planned Parenthood, is cutting its ties with the women’s health… Continue Reading →
Normally I’m a big fan of anyone suing abortionists. But not so much in this case. An Italian couple, Giuseppe and Aurora Bellandi, are suing the hospital who failed to actually kill their daughter not only for psychological trauma but… Continue Reading →
The website Funny or Die has come to Planned Parenthood’s defense in an attempt to mock videos from the Center for Medical Progress. The Funny or Die videos shows women pretending to detail faux horrifying details about their visit to… Continue Reading →
With Hillary Clinton performing so poorly in the polls and the amount of scandals dogging her, how long until Elizabeth Warren announces she’s running for president. Look, self-professed socialist Bernie Sanders is beating her in New Hampshire. And that’s not… Continue Reading →
This is the kind of statement that just boggles my mind. And frightens me to no end. Newsday quotes a physician on abortion: A friend, a woman who is a physician in an inner-city hospital, recently shared her point of… Continue Reading →
Sheesh. Times are changing. There was a time when Planned Parenthood was untouchable. But maybe their stranglehold is weakening. Even the Washington Post, the mouthpiece for the pro-abortion Democrat party, is calling Planned Parenthood’s claim that only three percent of… Continue Reading →
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