Class. One of the most prominent Catholic celebrities Stephen Colbert just made a mockery of Mike Pence saying he “gets on his knees every night.” Colbert made it into a gay joke. Confirmed: @mike_pence spends time on his knees every… Continue Reading →
Holding your newborn baby for the first time is priceless, right? Nope Actually it’s worth $39.95. No seriously. One Dad shared a picture of his bill from Utah Valley Hospital with the amount of $39.35 highlighted for “skin to skin”… Continue Reading →
Tim Kaine interrupted Mike Pence about 70 times last night during the vice presidential debate. He came off as unhinged. But no moment was more unsettling as when Kaine interrupted Pence’s recollection of 9-11 to announce he was in Virginia…. Continue Reading →
This should be scary to anyone paying attention. Governor Jerry Brown wants all schools and education institutions with an exemption from Title IX to be made public. This is an attempt at legislated public shaming. You see, now that Title… Continue Reading →
We are approaching the 49th anniversary of Che Guevera’s death. Awwww. I bring this up because I saw some fool in the pew behind me last week wearing a Che shirt. Nothing like having the image of a mass murderer… Continue Reading →
The Roe effect is a theory that states that pro-life people have more children than pro-choice people and will therefore ultimately win. So far so good. Makes sense. Folks who believe in abortion might well have less kids. And the… Continue Reading →
Speaking about Chick-fiil-A being the site of a voter registration drive, Susan McGrath, leader of the Stonewall Democrats and head of the Pinellas Democratic Party, reportedly said the decision to use Chick-fil-A would be similar to a Democratic supervisor of… Continue Reading →
Nazis buried a time capsule. I guess they thought we’d forget them. Nope. Not as long as we have the History Channel rerunning documentaries on every battle of the Big One, pals. No such luck. A time capsule buried in… Continue Reading →
The former NY Times Supreme Court and current Yale professor reporter thinks Antonin Scalia died at just the right time because democracy. Sweet, huh? Free Beacon: Linda Greenhouse, a senior fellow at Yale Law School who spent 30 years as… Continue Reading →
Headline: “School OK’s After School Satan Club.” Me: It’s about time. I mean, sheesh, we kicked God out decades ago. What took Satan so long? But the federal government is “worried” about homeschoolers. *subhead*Put Your Blurb Here.*subhead*
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