Irish Catholic: A Dublin parish has been forced to take down an LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) Pride flag after an order from the archbishop of Dublin. The flag was raised at Ballyfermot Assumption parish after a decision by… Continue Reading →
The culture tells us to become who we are, to discover who we really are. Christ asks us to become who we were meant to be. The former is surrender. The latter is a challenge. Christ meets us where we… Continue Reading →
The headlines are saying this dude is the first transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics. My first holdup is when all the articles refer to this dude as a she or her. Nah. That’s a dude. But secondly, we’re… Continue Reading →
Those are the words of Massachusetts’ famous politician Martin Lomasney. I think they’re very appropriate right now. The left has been indoctrinating children with anti-American hate for decades. They got cocky. With Critical Race Theory they codified it. That was… Continue Reading →
No surprise here. Look, I get it. They’re caught between a rock and a hard place here. This independent Augustinian school in the wealthy suburbs of Philadelphia is being asked to comment on a major national news story about the… Continue Reading →
All of this is concocted. Here’s what you need to know: Catholics are not supposed to present themselves for communion in a state of mortal sin. 2. Publicly supporting legalized slavery, puts one in a state of mortal sin. 3…. Continue Reading →
I guess killing millions is sort of an achievement in the amoral sense. I guess it really depends on what you intended to do.
I love when the media unironically refers to American bishops as “the deeply conservative American bishops conference.” If you required even more evidence that the news media was more interested in narrative than truth, this is it. Well, there’s that… Continue Reading →
Above her pay grade? I would ask if she herself was a human being? She begins her answer by saying she’s a mother of five children. Um. Doesn’t she mean a “birthing person of five children?”
We will take the W. In a surprising move, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously (even Roberts!!!!) overturned a controversial lower court ruling that allowed the City of Philadelphia to ban Catholic Social Services from participating in the city’s foster care… Continue Reading →
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