OK. This has to be the worst pr event ever. Other than every Joe Biden presser. I hope this young woman is ok. But it shows us that this vaccine should NOT be made mandatory. Frankly, I’m a bit surprised… Continue Reading →
While a Pew Research Center survey said that it was mostly Republicans who believed that election fraud occurred, the new McLaughlin & Associates poll found that all voters, by a 46%-45% margin, believed that there was fraud.” But still, the… Continue Reading →
Devastated? Devastated? Really? Is that an appropriate reaction to being wished “Merry Christmas.” Christian Headlines: Attorney General Dana Nessel of Michigan tweeted her concern over President Trump’s use of “Merry Christmas” this weekend, according to CBN News. While campaigning in Georgia… Continue Reading →
I worked with the Cardinal Newman Society for a number of years and still hold their mission close to my heart. When I see this kind of effort to strip Christian schools of their ability to hire and fire for… Continue Reading →
This is pure insanity. To think that Joe Biden could change the channel with the remote is a stretch. To think that he will change the Church’s positions or change Catholic minds is ludicrous. What this is really about is… Continue Reading →
Great news. They’re cheating even more in Georgia. And they’re proud of it. They’re holding pressers about it. Yeah, all those people who didn’t want to look into the voter fraud because that seemed icky and conspiratorial, well you got… Continue Reading →
My state of Pennsylvania has gone into an an almost complete lockdown just as they did in March. Isn’t it a little strange that the two major lockdowns in this country occurred just before Easter and Christmas? I mean, you’ve gotta’ admit… Continue Reading →
What a difference a day makes, huh? And when I say “day” I mean Election Day, of course. Since the big steal occurred, the media and the bishops have done a complete 180 on a few things. The media finally… Continue Reading →
Politicians are seeking to shut down churches, even for Christmas. They must be resisted.
This is so strange. This disease and the way it is viewed has taken on a moral component. When the numbers of cases rise, the news anchors, health experts, and talking heads talk about what the people are doing wrong. … Continue Reading →
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