We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Abortion

Abortion Is Just Like Getting a Tooth Pulled

In Indiana, where Planned Parenthood could possibly lose access to millions of Medicaid dollars, they’re arguing that they should be treated just the same as all other medical providers. No different. They’re insisting not to be singled out. But in… Continue Reading →

Sex Change Surgery for 1-5 Year Old Girls

This is sick. Because so many families were aborting girl babies, I guess India made sex determination tests during pregnancy illegal to try to prevent the common practice of women choosing to abort female babies. But an unforeseen consequence has… Continue Reading →

Gov. Scott Walker to Defund Planned Parenthood

I’m loving this guy. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, fresh from picking the remains of labor union carcass from his knuckles and teeth, is now expected to pick a fight with the other sacred cow of the Democrat Party – Planned… Continue Reading →

Court: Planned Parenthood Violated Law

The SBA List reports that an Ohio Court slapped Planned Parenthood up the head. An Ohio judge has ruled that a Planned Parenthood clinic violated state law in a case involving a 14 year old girl impregnated by her 22… Continue Reading →

Pawlenty Glittered by Abortion, Gay Activists

A group of activists attacked a presidential candidate. But don’t worry it was just a Republican attacked by abortion zealots and gay activists. So it’s not a big deal. Could you imagine if someone did this to a big name… Continue Reading →

Aww. Weiner and Porn Star Bonded Over Abortion

It looks like Congressman Anthony Weiner will be stepping down at 2 p.m. today, according to news reports. The saddest part is that his demise started with such an innocent bonding with a porn star over ripping babies limb from… Continue Reading →

Horror! Mom Kills Son in Womb To Spare Him Any Pain

Chelsea Zimmerman is guest posting here once a week for the next few weeks. We’re glad to have her. She typically writes at Reflections of a Paralytic – which is a great blog that you should bookmark or follow or… Continue Reading →

Obama’s Abortion Bullying Pays Dividends

President Obama’s threat to Indiana to cut off over $4 billion in Medicaid funding if they refuse to fund Planned Parenthood is paying pro-abortion dividends by scaring other states from voting on pro-life legislation – which is exactly what the… Continue Reading →

Rick Perry Smacks Up Obama on Abortion

Governor Rick Perry, who just last month signed a mandatory sonogram bill for mothers considering abortion, seems to be taking the gloves off a bit and is publicly whooping up on President Obama on the issue of abortion. I, for… Continue Reading →

You Can Help Save a Child

We here at CMR never ask for donations for ourselves. We figure that if we weren’t blogging here we’d just be yelling the same things at passing cars. We are a pro-life blog obviously. And my wife and I try… Continue Reading →

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