Bonnie Erbe of US News and World Report has said so many ridiculous things over the years that would be upsetting if anyone actually read US News and World Report outside of doctors’ offices. Erbe is now decrying teen pregnancy… Continue Reading →
In a stunning display of crass commercialization that victimizes women, Big Diapers, which makes billions of dollars per year on babies, is attempting to guilt women into carrying their pregnancy to term. Terrible, huh? Feminists for years have labeled any… Continue Reading →
A British abortion organization is opening up a chain of abortion clinics in China, you know the land of forced abortions. And you thought all those pro-aborts were actually pro-choice? Times Online reports: Marie Stopes International (MSI) has opened five… Continue Reading →
File this under “It’s been tried for decades only to have been proved a failure but let’s try it anyway and call it ‘seeking common ground.’” LifeSiteNews reports: The National Association of Evangelicals has issued a new resolution on abortion… Continue Reading →
Harry Reid is insisting he’s pro-life. No really. I’m not kidding. Stop it. The Nevada Right to Life PAC today endorsed a Republican in the race and said, “Replacing pro-abortion Senator Harry Reid with a pro-life senator is imperative…Harry Reid… Continue Reading →
This is amazing. Nancy Pelosi says she has a duty to pursue public policies “in keeping with the values” of Jesus Christ. And how does she think ripping little babies limb from limb would fit into Jesus’ value system. CNS… Continue Reading →
Seeing the country becoming increasingly pro-life is proving distressing for many pro-choicers. Not distressing enough, mind you, to reassess their position on the humanity of the unborn but enough to consider changing tactics. Los Angeles Times columnist Nancy Cohen hit… Continue Reading →
You’re not going to believe this story about an abortionist who is being sued for not stopping an abortion even though the patient begged him to stop. And not only that, there’s video of the doctor saying that a medical… Continue Reading →
Everyone is freaking out because some school employees handed out fetus dolls to students in a public school. The dolls are scientifically accurate yet they’re being called shocking and reprehensible. The fact that so many people are taking a scientifically… Continue Reading →
The Church’s sexual abuse scandal is the “blame Bush” of Catholicism. Anything that goes wrong anywhere that has even the remotest connection to Catholicism can be explained by or blamed on the sex abuse scandal. It’s reflexive now. Liberal Catholics… Continue Reading →
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