Churches bad. Abortion clinics good. You got that? No seriously. Check this lunacy out. I mean this is like conversation between Gary Busey and Jeff Conway kind of crazy. The ACLU obviously believes that churches are so dangerous to minors… Continue Reading →
That’s right. CMR has a rap song on it. Laugh it up fuzzballs but it’s a pretty powerful pro-life statement. And kinda’ catchy. CMR Thanks to the always great Paul at Thoughts of a Regular Guy who asks “It’s probably… Continue Reading →
I’m sure this will be everywhere soon enough but rumors are flying that pro-abortion Justice John Paul Stevens,89, is retiring. Not good. Why couldn’t all these folks have retired a year or two ago? Well we know the answer. Because… Continue Reading →
Today the Susan B. Anthony List “announced a list of House and Senate targets for the Susan B. Anthony List’s Votes Have Consequences project, an effort to educate citizens about the voting records of legislators who are out of step… Continue Reading →
I’ve read somewhere that Randall Terry is staging a comeback in the pro-life community. I know some people love him and others think he’s a shyster. I honestly don’t know enough about him to know which is true but I… Continue Reading →
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and many other Democrats aren’t wasting a moment before politicizing the death of Ted Kennedy to further their legislation. Hey, they even politicized the man’s funeral. ABC is reporting that Pelosi said, “Ted Kennedy’s dream of… Continue Reading →
A hospital in Chongqing, China, recently released an advertisement offering half-price abortions for women who show a student ID, SF Gate reports. The advertisement (above) reads: Students are our future, but when something happens to them, who will help and… Continue Reading →
This one sickens me. And not just a little gurgle in my stomach. I’m talking about Linda Blair projectile vomiting, spin my head around, and hurling insults at anyone near me. Yeah, that kind of sickening. According to the LA… Continue Reading →
Psychiatry is not rocket science. It’s much much much more difficult. Impossible for little brains like yourself to understand. I myself am obviously much too thick to understand. You see, I read blogs and I’ve read literally hundreds of stories… Continue Reading →
For many years, one of the main arguments for abortion was to simply punt on the question of humanity. They’d say since we can’t say when life begins we might as well keep it open season on babies until they’re… Continue Reading →
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