The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has recently seen a string of indictments from a grand jury report relating to the seemingly endless sex abuse scandal. To be sure, it is a sad time for the Catholic Church in Philadelphia leaving many… Continue Reading →
The Church’s sexual abuse scandal is the “blame Bush” of Catholicism. Anything that goes wrong anywhere that has even the remotest connection to Catholicism can be explained by or blamed on the sex abuse scandal. It’s reflexive now. Liberal Catholics… Continue Reading →
Hollywood! The town that’s afraid to make terrorist villains come from the Middle East is now making a movie about the Catholic Church’s sex abuse scandal. How brave. Because you know, nobody’s heard or read anything about this subject so… Continue Reading →
The latest glut of “news” stories by the media hitting the Catholic Church for abusing children has much more to do with anti-Catholicism than actually protecting children. Proof? Pretty simple actually. The media has claimed that it’s reluctantly reporting on… Continue Reading →
Never let a good crisis go to waste. Donna Freitas who writes for On Faith as The Stubborn Catholic believes that now is the time for feminists and liberation theologians to strike: As the Catholic hierarchy sweats in the harsh… Continue Reading →
ABC News has this headline up on a news story: Only God Can Fire Pope Benedict After Scandals Irish Singer Sinead O’Connor and Journalist Christopher Hitchens Call for Investigation While stories should be written concerning the sex abuse scandal there… Continue Reading →
A New Jersey priest has joined with an atheist group in a lawsuit against a Catholic bishop in Brooklyn. Together they are seeking to have the Church’s tax exemption removed because Bishop Nicholas Di Marzio may have “subtly” endorsed a… Continue Reading →
Maureen Martin is up to her old shenanigans, this time wtih her faux journalism shining a light on Catholics who stop going to Church in protest of the sex abuse scandal. BOISE, IDAHO – Neighbors who hailed an area woman… Continue Reading →
Pope Benedict XVI should be questioned soon about clergy sex abuse in the Catholic church because he is the most knowledgeable person on the topic and his advanced age makes future testimony unlikely, an attorney said yesterday, according to the… Continue Reading →
New York’s Roman Catholic Church is trying a novel approach to bring children into the Church – making them scared to death of priests. The diocese is alerting children to the danger of being sexually assaulted by a priest with… Continue Reading →
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