We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Art

Image of Our Lady Made of Butterfly Wings

This was just too odd and wonderful not to pass on from George Matysek’s site. An image of Our Lady made entirely of butterfly wings. Don’t worry, supposedly no butterflies were hurt in the making of this art. Read the… Continue Reading →

Painting of a Surfing Virgin Mary Worth Saving?

This painting which we’ll call “Our Lady of Hanging Five” was put on a wall illegally. It’s graffiti and it’s just plain ol’ dopey if you ask me. But that hasn’t stopped government officials from spending thousands of dollars in… Continue Reading →

Horrified Onlookers Shield Eyes from JPII

What happened here? Did the artist run out of metal? Seriously. I’m sure this meant something to someone but it’s beyond me. It’s pretty tough to mess up a statue of one of the most beloved men of the century…. Continue Reading →

Violent Anti-Catholic Thug or Brilliant Artist?

As if there weren’t enough evidence we were failing our kids with our education system, and now this shocking public display of ignorance!The OC Register reports: Police were called Tuesday morning to investigate a report that “Kill THE CATHLICS!” was… Continue Reading →

Communion Wafers in Swastika Shape? Yawn.

I don’t appreciate modern art. Seriously, have you seen one piece of public art that didn’t look like evidence of public drunkenness? I saw some metallic structure the other day in Philadelphia and I couldn’t decide if it was a… Continue Reading →

Confessionals Out, Pagan Art Gallery In

Oh boy. I don’t even know where to start with this one. This story is just a microcosm of so much that’s wrong with so many of our “Catholic” universities. The Jesuit run University of San Francisco has removed a… Continue Reading →

Sometimes Smut is Just Smut

Sometimes an idiot is just an idiot. One can hardly be outrageously stupid and ill mannered anymore without it taking on some grand societal context anymore with those who seek societal context. Case in point, this Reuters story: A prominent… Continue Reading →

This is Art?

A new art studio in the Philippines is prominently exhibiting a nasty picture of Pope Benedict, says BWO. It’s called “Year of the Rat.” In case you can’t make it out, at his feet are plastic rats. Get it? Ratzinger?… Continue Reading →

Crucified Ronald McDonald Is A Cliche

This story from the Hornsey and Crouch Journal has every element I love in a sacrilegious art story. First, introduce the brave courageous artist, bring in the overreacting Christians, sprinkle on a suggestion that religious fanatics are responsible for all… Continue Reading →

Atheists Host Pornographic Christian Art Exhibit

Not to seem too much like Andy Rooney but have to ask; have you ever noticed that atheists nowadays tend to be more evangelistic than believers? Look at the comment boxes in religious blogs. You can’t go too far without… Continue Reading →

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