We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag birth control

PBS: Pope “Horrifically Ignorant”

The completely correct and moral statement made by Pope Benedict XVI concerning condom usage in Africa was sure to meet the harumphs of the elite mainstream media who like only one thing less in this world than babies and that’s… Continue Reading →

Pelosi: Birth Control Boosts the Economy

Your favorite grandmother Nancy Pelosi defended the inclusion of millions of dollars being spent on birth control in Obama’s new economic “stimulus” package by claiming “contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.” So that’s what… Continue Reading →

The Pill’s Environmental Damage

What’s a radical liberal to do? To a rational person, holding two ideologies which are in conflict is rather difficult but today’s environmentalists easily juggle mutually exclusive ideals like veteran circus performers. The Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano published a report… Continue Reading →

Can Catholics Vote For McCain?

The question is arising everywhere all over the Catholic blogosphere: Is it morally acceptable for a Catholic to vote for a candidate who supports that which is intrinsically evil? David L. Alexander from Man With Black Hat wrote an email… Continue Reading →

White House Ducks Birth Control Battle

The White House wimped out. That’s what I believe happened today. The White House did some good and then avoided a nasty fight in an election year. The Bush administration was looking to strike a blow for religious freedom. So… Continue Reading →

The Pill To Help Find Mr. Wrong

Newsflash: The Pill may point women in the wrong direction in their search for a husband. Well, it’s a newsflash to some like scientists and media types in the UK Times. Not to anyone who’s seriously looked at the ramifications… Continue Reading →

There Are None So Blind…

Today is the 40th anniversary of the Papal Encyclical Humanae Vitae, the prescient yet controversial encyclical that upheld the consistent teaching of the Church against the use of artificial birth control. The durable dissenter, Fr. Richard McBrien, uses the occasion… Continue Reading →

Hillary To Run Against Bush

Well Hillary is finally getting her chance. She wanted to run her presidential campaign against George W. Bush. And she did. She talked about him 24/7. Except she forgot to beat the people who were actually running against her and… Continue Reading →

White House Says Contraception May Be Abortion

The Bush administration may be looking to strike a blow for religious freedom. They are reportedly looking into requiring all recipients of federal aid to certify that they will not refuse to hire nurses and other providers who object to… Continue Reading →

Time Mag: Stop All These Babies!

Time Magazine launched an anti-Catholic attack today by focusing its ire on the Philippines today because as the conservative government refuses to distribute free condoms and birth control. Oh! The horror! This is agenda-drive journalism at its worst. In the… Continue Reading →

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