Warning -This vid is pretty graphic of a drag show at Santa Clara University, a Jesuit university. I’m sure this was sold as a social justice event to promote tolerance but it’s not that at all. It’s normalizing deviancy. Moms… Continue Reading →
It’s understandable that the legislative debacle known as Obamacare dominated the headlines recently. But something important has gone largely unremarked on though I believe it will have a disastrous impact on the country, especially Catholic and Christian colleges. Obamacare essentially… Continue Reading →
I’d love to be able to start this piece off by ominously saying “And so it begins.” But that’s not the truth. The truth is that we’re so far past the beginning that all we can pray for is that… Continue Reading →
According to Pewsitter: Georgetown is honoring Vice President Joe Biden tomorrow at a Symposium Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Biden will receive the Legal Momentum Hero Award. So they’re honoring Biden for his work… Continue Reading →
You want to know what the problem is with Catholic universities. It’s right here. Saint Joseph’s University has asked the outspokenly pro-choice Chris Matthews to deliver the Commencement address and when asked why a Catholic institution would do this here’s… Continue Reading →
Saint Joseph’s University has invited Chris Matthews to be its Commencement speaker. One graduate wrote a letter to which the President of the school Fr. Timothy Lannon responded. Here’s the exchange: Dear Father Lannon, I am writing to express my… Continue Reading →
When then Senator Rick Santorum delivered the commencement address at Saint Joseph’s University in 2003 there was a massive walkout of faculty members and students. According to an AP article at the time: About one in every eight graduates walked… Continue Reading →
Notre Dame law professor Richard Garnett, writing at National Review, while not supportive of President Obama speaking at the University takes issue with her cyber-critics. As I made clear in my initial contribution to this NRO symposium, I believe that… Continue Reading →
CMR loves to help Catholic Universities so the CMR Band has proposed new lyrics to the Notre Dame Fight Song which we feel more accurately portrays the current state of Notre Dame considering they’ve accepted President Obama as their commencement… Continue Reading →
Yesterday we wrote about Rosemary Radford Ruether, a well-known feminist theologian who made news this week because the University of San Diego rescinded Ruether’s appointment to the Portman Chair in Roman Catholic Theology due to her stance on issues including… Continue Reading →
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