We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag contraception

Wanna’ Cut Down on Abortions? Contracept!!!

File this under “It’s been tried for decades only to have been proved a failure but let’s try it anyway and call it ‘seeking common ground.’” LifeSiteNews reports: The National Association of Evangelicals has issued a new resolution on abortion… Continue Reading →

Katie Couric a Modern Margaret Sanger

In these times of high unemployment and dangerous deficits one issue has become so awful and dangerous to America that CBS news anchor Katie Couric has called for millions and millions of dollars to be spent on solving it. What… Continue Reading →

Raquel Welch Advises Virtuous Lifestyle?

Raquel Welch must have surprised CNN with this column in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of The Pill. To be sure many leftist commenters over there are freaking out. She writes: Margaret Sanger opened the 1st American family-planning clinic in… Continue Reading →

Having Babies is Like Stealing?

Are babies stealing? According to news reports the Anglican Church thinks so. I’m not sure I understand how babies are stealing. I mean, they can’t even drive the getaway car. But the General Synod of the Anglican Church, according to… Continue Reading →

America Joins Europe

America has once again joined in on the greatest magic trick since David Copperfield somehow got Claudia Schiffer not to laugh at him. But this magic trick is much bigger. America has joined Europe in attempting to make all of… Continue Reading →

Women Are Dying…But It’s For a Good Cause

Oh you brave women. Taking one for the team is sooo wonderful of you. Realizing that your life means so little when compared to the overriding issue of sexual liberation and consequenceless sex. Good for you. What? Nobody told you… Continue Reading →

Fire Extinguishers, First Aid, and Contraception?

My favorite line of the day comes from a college newspaper in Montana that’s highlighting Planned Parenthood’s efforts to give away free Morning After Pills. You can keep it next to the fire extinguisher and the first aid kit. Planned… Continue Reading →

Man Created Limbo

Limbo was defined as the pious speculation of a place where babies who have died without baptism spend eternity in a state of “natural happiness” but not in the presence of God. Pope Benedict XVI recently said that there’s hope… Continue Reading →

Catholics Against Conscience

For years, pro-choice Catholic politicians have been arguing that their conscience must be the deciding factor in their decision making. (See Nancy Pelosi among others) And they say they’re not going to bullied by all those old men in Rome… Continue Reading →

The Hypocrisy of Personhood

For years, pro-choicers have been arguing that a baby is not really conceived until after implantation in the uterus. They’ve argued this vociferously so that they can also argue that The Pill is not an abortifacient. Keeps the birth control… Continue Reading →

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