*subhead*What is old is new again.*subhead* Today more and more people are whole-heartedly embracing eugenics. They probably don’t know it as eugenics, but every time a human life in the womb or in the lab is cut short because his… Continue Reading →
*subhead*We Heart Eugenics!*subhead* One of the modern zeitgeists that scares me the most is the growing love affair with eugenics among the elite. Whether the masses are aware of it or not, elite ideas trickle down and infect our subconscious…. Continue Reading →
*subhead*DNA not Denim.*subhead* I spent many, many, many hours in the lab testing people for mutations known to cause cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is a genetic disease caused by mutations in a gene called the CFTR gene. If a person… Continue Reading →
*subhead*1-2 punch of death*subhead* Everyone knows about Peter Singer, the utilitarian ethicist that argues for everything from euthanasia to infanticide. Many people do not know about his protégé Julian Savulescu. It is time to start paying attention. Who is Julian… Continue Reading →
I wanted to bring out some of my older work occasionally to expose CMR readers to some of the more pressing issues in biotechnology. One of those issues is the popularity of genetic determinism. Genetic determinism is not only one… Continue Reading →
I have wanted to introduce Creative Minority readers to transhumanism for awhile now. It is, in my personal opinion, the most dangerous movement that no one knows about. When it showed up on a new Disney Channel series, I decided… Continue Reading →
Dear Mz. Sanger,You did it. Your every racist eugenic fantasy has come true. Jennie Stone of Live Action wrote a piece today detailing how Planned Parenthood founder wasn’t truly “pro-choice.” Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, is often hailed… Continue Reading →
This week, Congress fought a battle over eugenics. Make no mistake. That’s what is was about. You might not know it because you see, the stupid Nazis almost ruined all the eugenics fun for everyone. But it turned out that… Continue Reading →
A 92 year old Republican state legislator resigned after advocating shipping all “defective people” off to Siberia to die. Oh yeah, and he probably told you to get off his lawn too. The Daily Caller reports: New Hampshire’s Martin Harty,… Continue Reading →
Check out these vids from the Population Reseach Institute concerning showing that overpopulation is a myth. Al Kresta says this debate has a spiritual and theological dimension and I agree with him – not that anybody cares what I think.
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