We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag euthanasia

Euthanoodle – Let’s Poison Ramen Noodles

In what will surely become one of the most infamous comments ever made about abortion, Rep. Gwen Moore of Wisconsin said yesterday that it is better to have an abortion than make a child be forced to live “eating Ramen… Continue Reading →

Making Fun of Dick Clark

I received a call on the morning of New Year’s Day from an old friend I hadn’t spoken to in a while, wishing me a Happy New Year. He asked me what I’d done the night before and I told… Continue Reading →

Economics Takes the Place of Morality

I recently read a piece in the Irish Times worrying that economics was entering into the debate over euthanasia. But I can’t help but think it’s always been there. Let’s face it, without any agreed upon morality concerning human life… Continue Reading →

Euthanasia Makes People Live Longer

ABC.net.au reports that some leading euthanasia supporters are pushing the counter intuitive argument that legalized euthanasia will actually help people live longer: The architect of the Northern Territory’s overturned euthanasia legislation says denying people the right to die is forcing… Continue Reading →

Bishop: Naziism Rising from the Tomb

When historians look back in history they sometimes criticize bishops or popes for not speaking out forcefully enough against the atrocities of their age. No historian will be able to say that about Bishop Peter Elliot. The Australian reports: THE… Continue Reading →

Study: Starving Babies Takes Longer Than Expected

Wesley Smith freaks me out again. Just in time for the weekend. At least once a week he completely ruins my day with some “advancement” in the name of science or a study. I was thinking about pulling some quotes… Continue Reading →

Life Is Not a Slippery Slope

I heard two women arguing yesterday. One was pro-life and the other was pro-choice. I could see that the pro-life woman was truly distressed to learn her friend/acquaintance was pro-choice but the argument she gave disturbed me. The conversation started… Continue Reading →

40% of Docs: Euthanasia OK If You’re Bored

This one will kill ya’. No literally. I mean it. A Newsletter for doctors in Australia reports: More than four in 10 doctors in Australia believe people aged over 70 who are healthy but ‘tired of life’ should have access… Continue Reading →

Back Street Euthanasia

Hey, it worked for abortion so now I guess pro-euthanasia folks are going to try the same gambit. Arguing for euthanasia, one doctor in Scotland argued that euthanasia must be legalized so as to prevent “Back Street” alternatives. Ha! Here’s… Continue Reading →

Watchoo Talking Bout Doctor?

For many men the worst nightmare would be you’re on life support and the doctors decide to leave the decision over whether or not to pull the plug up to….YOUR EX WIFE!!!! Well it turns out that may be exactly… Continue Reading →

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