I was looking at my children in Mass today and a horrifying thought occurred to me. If I do my job well as a parent, my children may end up persecuted and/or in jail. That may be the best I… Continue Reading →
I think I miss the days when we lied to ourselves. There was something innocent about all the self-delusion that surrounded the abortion issue. All that “blob of tissue” talk was believed by so many who preferred not to know… Continue Reading →
Matthew Crawley became heir to Downton Abbey and the its title quite suddenly and unexpectedly when the former heir died on the Titanic. Crawley, a country lawyer by trade, had never known the kind of life lived at Downton Abbey…. Continue Reading →
After the election of Pope Francis, some of the choices of the Pope have made liturgy a hot topic. So much so, the world renowned expert on liturgy Cardinal Mahony, as seen at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congresses, has… Continue Reading →
Some “Catholic” LGBT organizations were seemingly in a race to cast the first disparaging remark against the new Pope. The Equally Blessed coalition seemingly won the day by labeling the Pope “hateful” within hours of Cardinal Bergoglio’s ascendancy to the… Continue Reading →
I read a lot, dozens of news articles every day. I’m used to being in the know. I think many of us are like that now. Let’s face it, we’ve become so used to having information at our fingertips (literally)… Continue Reading →
The blogosphere is abuzz about a CNN story that details a surrogate mother’s decision to not abort her child despite the baby’s biological parents offering her $10,000 to do so after ultrasounds showed that the baby had major issues including… Continue Reading →
With he Catholic Church so much in the news these days, we have a real opportunity to explain the Church to those unfamiliar. Problem is, most people don’t have a frame of reference for understanding the Church. But I think… Continue Reading →
I’ve noticed something troubling recently at Mass. It’s parents at Mass without their children. And I’m not talking about the wee ones who cry and eat Cheerios in the pew. Actually I still see them quite a bit and am… Continue Reading →
Of all the possible advice I could give to a new Pontiff, perhaps the most important would be on the subject of name selection. I wouldn’t presume to tell the new Pope what name to pick, but I feel very… Continue Reading →
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