An elementary school around Boston was having the kids sing at an assembly. Pretty typical stuff. The motif was about the 50 states and they were going to sing some songs. But the final song was set to be Lee… Continue Reading →
My first thought was that this couldn’t be real. But sadly it is. The good news is that God has better poll numbers than Obama. The bad news is it’s not by much. Obama has been clocking in with a… Continue Reading →
What can you even say about the United Church of Christ? They are now deleting the term “Heavenly Father” from their literature in an effort to be sensitive or something. The Christian Post reports: The left-leaning United Church of Christ… Continue Reading →
They fear God, they fear Christianity, they fear Christians because they know the only thing that can derail their freedom sucking, pro-death, collectivist schemes is Christianity. Therefore, secularist liberals will do whatever it takes to remove God, Christianity, and Christians… Continue Reading →
NBC omitting “under God” from the Pledge was absolutely intentional. Make no mistake about it. So horrified are they at the mention of God that they edit Him out of the Pledge of Allegiance. And the apology is ridiculous as… Continue Reading →
When I bring my kids school sometimes we put on the radio. All I can say is thank goodness we’re country music fans. I couldn’t imagine turning on the moaning of the Gaga or Britney when you’ve got guys like… Continue Reading →
Foxfier (formerly Sailorette) writes at Head Noises. She wrote this guest post for CMR. Here she is: Broadly speaking, if folks read the prophecies in the Bible and expected them to be literal, they were figurative. If they thought they… Continue Reading →
Blogging can be easy. You read a hundred stories of tragedies, public shortcomings and sins and you pick the most outrageous to write on. But it can really wear you down after a while. I gets so I just want… Continue Reading →
This is awesome. No. If awesome was a ninja this video would still be awesomer. I love how the crowd just completely ignored this madwoman trying to stop the people from saying the Pledge of Allegiance. HT Viral Footage Paul… Continue Reading →
You know, I’m starting to think this is a thing. Weasel Zippers reports that Barack Obama omitted the “Creator” as the source of his “unalienable rights” on Monday at a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). This is… Continue Reading →
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