We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag harry reid

Reid and Pelosi – Obamacare Power Brokers

Everyone’s calling out Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for being hypocrites for working to get waivers for their districts and states. But maybe it’s been the plan the entire time. Pelosi infamously said that they had to pass the healthcare… Continue Reading →

God Given or Government Given Rights?

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Do you believe those famous… Continue Reading →

Harry Reid, Superhero

Harry Reid is unbelievable. Normally people this delusional are hanging out near the Slurpee machine asking for spare change but this guy’s the Majority Leader of the Senate. So untethered to reality is Reid that he actually said, “but for… Continue Reading →

It’s Official. Harry Reid is Creepy

It’s not as if Harry Reid’s zombie-like visage wasn’t creepy enough. Now he’s adding horndog status to his repertoire? This is kinda’ icky. 70 year old Harry Reid is now assessing the “hotness” of Senate members. The Politico reports that… Continue Reading →

Harry Reid, War Hero

In war, heroes often come out of nowhere. From the unlikeliest of places someone performs an act of heroism that stirs the passions of an entire country. In the Iraq War, Senator Harry Reid is that hero. From now on,… Continue Reading →

In Lieu of Flowers, Vote Against Harry Reid

This is just priceless. Sadly, it is too late for any of us to meet Charlotte McCourt. The Nevada grandmother passed away this week at the age of 84 after a long illness. But it is not too late for… Continue Reading →

Harry Reid Says He’s Pro-Life. Hahahaha!!

Harry Reid is insisting he’s pro-life. No really. I’m not kidding. Stop it. The Nevada Right to Life PAC today endorsed a Republican in the race and said, “Replacing pro-abortion Senator Harry Reid with a pro-life senator is imperative…Harry Reid… Continue Reading →

Funny Anti-Harry Reid Ad

Now, that’s an imaginative ad. HT Campaign Spot

Randall Terry Is Not Helping

Randall Terry is running a contest on his website called the “Burn in Hell” Contest and he’s calling on pro-lifers to burn Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in effigy on Halloween, video it, send it to Terry, and win prizes… Continue Reading →

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