We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag healthcare

What Obama Could Learn From Porn Industry

Many industries have been hit hard by the recession, none more than the porn industry. But why? The lesson in that is something our President should be paying attention to. The recession in the country is becoming a Depression in… Continue Reading →

Obama’s Quote of the Day

Obama demands silence from dissenters: ‘I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess’… What?! Do Presidents get… Continue Reading →

I Am a Fishy American!

I am a Fishy-American. And this is my fishy blog. That’s right. I’m pronouncing it here and now. Consider this my John Hancock. The White House is asking snitches to report anything fishy: “If you get an email or see… Continue Reading →

Profile in Christian Courage

If the mainstream media had any conscience whatsoever it would be applauding the congressman from New Orleans for doing what he believes is right no matter the consequences. But they won’t. So we will. Rep. Anh “Joseph Cao announced today… Continue Reading →

America: Obama is Stupid or Weak Executive

Michael Sean Winters of America Magazine concludes that President Obama is either really really stupid or a weak executive. OK. He didn’t really say it in those words but it’s all right there for the discerning eye. Sean Winters writes… Continue Reading →

He Was Against Abortion Before He Was For It

I have given a name to my pain. And it is “Blue Dog” Democrat Bart Gordon of Tennessee for showing an appalling lack of courage. Truly, if Gordon had wanted to personify everything that’s wrong with politics he couldn’t have… Continue Reading →

The Scorpion, The Frog and Democrats

Dick Morris asked recently if the Democrats are nuts. Maybe but I don’t think so. I think there’s more going on here in this push for nationalized healthcare than just lunacy -although insanity might very well be playing a role…. Continue Reading →

Obama’s Doc Renounces ObamaCare

Gateway Pundit reports that Barack Obama’s own physician is against Obamacare. So the doctor that Barack Obama visited for over 20 year said the President’s plan is “bound for failure.” Dr. David Scheiner, a 70-year Chicago-based physician who treated Obama… Continue Reading →

FRC Ad Highlights Abortion in ObamaCare

I think it’s a decent ad even though the wife looks a little scared of her husband. My thinking is that besides being right, polling has shown for years that the public doesn’t support public funding of abortion. I think… Continue Reading →

Do Blue Dogs Really Exist?

Scott Johnson of Powerline scares me. He doesn’t believe in the reality of Blue Dog Democrats. He says they’re usually just liberals from conservative districts. He writes: I’ve never much believed in the concept of a “blue dog Democrat.” As… Continue Reading →

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