There are misleading headlines and there are misleading headlines. The Times UK boldly declares!Pope attacks Iran at Jewish Congress Oh my! The Pope must have really done it this time. What could he possibly have said to warrant such a… Continue Reading →
In an article entitled “DAMNED! Pope’s Narrow Beliefs Deny Afterlife To Non-Catholics” the oldest college newspaper in California from Pomona College proves that Anti-Catholicism is the last acceptable bias. For the rampant anti-religious sentiment shared among today’s secular world, I… Continue Reading →
This from the Washington Post today” Justice Thomas Lashes Out in MemoirBook Attacks Liberals and the Media, Breaks Near-Silence on Anita Hill Justice Clarence Thomas settles scores in an angry and vivid forthcoming memoir, scathingly condemning the media, the Democratic… Continue Reading →
Katie Couric is uncomfortable with patriotism: The CBS had this to say in a recent speech: “The whole culture of wearing flags on our lapel and saying ‘we’ when referring to the United States and, even the ‘shock and awe’… Continue Reading →
Time Magazine is quoting a doctor who never saw the Pope in person but based her diagnosis over the television in saying that the Pope was likely euthanized. Are you getting this? A doctor is saying the Pope was killed… Continue Reading →
Now that the McCann couple are suspects in the disappearance of their child I’ve been noticing a slightly disturbing trend of every article mentioning their meeting with Pope Benedict last month. As scrutiny increases expect to see this picture often…. Continue Reading →
Catholic Church issues decree ….Catholic Church rules …Catholic Church releases policy … Rules, rules, and more rules. Such is the tone of the coverage of the Ordinary Minister of the Media on the CDF responses to questions from the USCCB… Continue Reading →
Look at how this article from the LA Times starts and tell me you can’t figure out where this newspaper stands on this issue. A first-trimester surgical abortion takes about two minutes. After, patients at the Planned Parenthood clinic here… Continue Reading →
Stupidest Headline concerning Mother Teresa. This from the Chicago Tribune: “Can Saints Have Bad Days?” It continues: It seems like blasphemy to suggest that all those years Mother Teresa perpetuated a lie—that she did not believe her own proclamations of… Continue Reading →
The Ten is a new movie that sinks to the depths of religious intolerance not seen in…days. The movie which is getting downright awful reviews, brings us ten excruciating skits based on the ten commandments. For instance, Commandment yarn No…. Continue Reading →
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