When arguing political points it is smart to leave out your “Jesus” metaphors no matter how brilliant you think they are, especially when defending alleged terrorist inspiring imams. New York Times writer Robert Wright yesterday unwisely, I think, compared al-Awlaki,… Continue Reading →
The New York Times published a news article on Nancy Pelosi’s decision to allow the Stupak amendment to come up for a vote. Their phraseology leads to a few questions. In the end, Ms. Pelosi decided that abortion opponents would… Continue Reading →
This is what happens when a Nobel Prize winning economist’s ideology is confronted by reality. And it’s videoed and splashed up on YouTube for millions to see, point and mock. HT Vodka Pundit
There’s a point. I don’t know when it happens but it does happen. I can best explain it like this: If someone young and vigorous falls everyone around them laughs and puts it on YouTube. But if a sick or… Continue Reading →
I don’t know this guy Mark Gietzen who is head of Kansas Coalition for Life and maybe he’s more wonderful than Mother Teresa and St. Francis put together but The New York Times quotes Mark Gietzen saying two of the… Continue Reading →
I try not to read the New York Times mainly because I like it when my ears don’t bleed and I’m not running around the house pulling my hair out. But I saw this piece linked up on Big Hollywood… Continue Reading →
Maureen Dowd doesn’t like Twitter and was essentially acting like a jerk to the guys who invented Twitter in a Q and A. She asks this question and the comeback is 140 characters or less and perfect: Dowd: Twitter seems… Continue Reading →
The New York Times is criticizing Ave Maria Mutual Funds, whose Web site promises “smart investing and Catholic values.” Now, I’m not getting into the merits of the company which I don’t know. I don’t have the money to do… Continue Reading →
Peter Steinfels, the former editor of Commonweal (’nuff said!) writes in the New York Times that among the biggest losers this election season are the courageous Catholic Bishops who stood up and taught truth. Anyone constructing a list of the… Continue Reading →
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