Newsflash! Embryos Aren’t Fertilized! So it’s ok to kill them. So said former President Bill Clinton five times in an interview last night. And what’s worse is that the brain surgeon who was nominated by President Obama to be Surgeon… Continue Reading →
In a press conference that included federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, President Barack Obama yesterday in effect continued the Bush administration’s “War on Science” by outlawing human cloning, didn’t he? No seriously. Why not cloning? If we allow… Continue Reading →
We’re in a deep financial crisis and yet President Obama still feels the need to spend taxpayer money on abortions and embryonic stem cell research. In fact we’ve spent so much money that our government has now emptied the pockets… Continue Reading →
According to the Washington Post, President Obama is about to announce his decision to lift restrictions on federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research. So I’m just trying to pin down the logic here. Even though research has shown… Continue Reading →
The director of the new Terminator movie gave an interesting quote at the recent geek-fest of Comic-Con where he talks about why the machines are collecting humans: “Harvesters collect human beings and rip the stem cells out of them and… Continue Reading →
Aides to President-elect Obama are saying this week that Obama will reverse President Bush’s stand on embryonic stem cell research. So, according to Fox News, Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan of Mexico, the Vatican health minister, said that stem cells taken… Continue Reading →
Maybe I’m in a mood but I fear that we’re losing. But then again maybe we always were. Maybe we’re supposed to lose in order to get better later. Right now, same sex couple are marrying in California and some… Continue Reading →
“If human embryonic stem cell research does not make you at least a little bit uncomfortable, you have not thought about it enough.” During the the years we have been embroiled in the embryonic stem cell debate, the people who… Continue Reading →
I give thanks today for life, God’s free gift. There were very important developments this week in the fight to defend life from conception to natural death. The first development this week is the very exciting news that scientists have… Continue Reading →
For years, the right pummeled the left with partial birth abortion exposing liberals as extremists out of touch with the mainstream. It was the right thing to do and it was good old fashioned “wedge” politics. But the liberals have… Continue Reading →
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