We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag stupak

Ya’ Gotta’ Give Stupak Credit

Faux pro-lifer Bart Stupak is accusing pro-lifers of playing politics with life. Yeah. Read that again. Bart Stupak is accusing pro-lifers of playing politics with life. Man, you’ve got to give the guy credit, when Stupak sells his vote he… Continue Reading →

Stupak Isn’t Paying the Price

Everyone knows by now that Congressman Bart Stupak is retiring. And I’ve seen it reported everywhere that he’s “paying the price” for his awful and traitorous vote towards the unborn. But isn’t it possible that Stupak, far from paying the… Continue Reading →

Uh-Oh!!! Stupak Calls Presser

It’s become quite clear to everyone that I’ve grown a little pessimistic the past few days about our chances of defeating Obamacare. I honestly believe that Pelosi has all the votes she needs and all the undecideds are just waiting… Continue Reading →

Vid: Stupak as Braveheart

Paramount Communications

Must Read of the Day

Read this sickening piece about Bart Stupak and then go read the rest of this piece at The Corner. Democrats have argued to Stupak that abortion is good and necessary because real live kids cost money: Stupak notes that his… Continue Reading →

It’s all on Stupak Now

The Politico reports: An aide to Rep. Bart Stupak (D. Mich.) coordinated opposition to a Senate compromise on the place of abortion in health care legislation this morning with the Republican Senate leadership, the Conference Catholic Bishops, and other anti-abortion… Continue Reading →

Unappreciated Pro-Lifers To the Rescue

There are few less respected monikers in politics than “pro-life.” Democrats like their “pro-lifers” in name only. They like their pro-life legislators to be of the lukewarm variety like Bob Casey who talks the talk but always discovers a reason… Continue Reading →

Libs: Obamacare Destroys Private Insurance!!

File this under being hoisted by your own petard. I’ve come to learn that petards are dangerous because the only time you hear about them is when someone is hoisted by their own. We’ve been told for months by liberals… Continue Reading →

Just One Pro-Life Dem?

There are no blue dogs in the Senate. They are a myth like Bigfoot and Chupacabra. We need just one pro-life Democrat to put a stop to this madness of a healthcare bill. But sadly, that doesn’t seem to be… Continue Reading →

Did U.S. Bishops Caveat an Eternal Truth?

I knew Saturday was a disaster for the country due to the deficit busting behemoth bureaucracies in the healthcare bill that passed. But it’s possible that a greater disaster occurred that has gone largely unremarked on. At the time of… Continue Reading →

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