This one sickens me. And not just a little gurgle in my stomach. I’m talking about Linda Blair projectile vomiting, spin my head around, and hurling insults at anyone near me. Yeah, that kind of sickening.
According to the LA Times:
Cardinal Roger Mahony issued a statement today calling the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) a champion of “the voiceless, the powerless and the most needy of our citizens.”
This is sickening and troubling at the same time because Kennedy was a debauched politician who turned his back on the unborn for political expediency. Yeah the unborn who are the voiceless, the powerless and the most needy of our citizens.
Now you can argue that Mahony was likely referring to illegal immigrants. But it seems the Cardinal needs an editor because illegal aliens or undocumented workers aren’t citizens. We can argue about whether they should be but it’s just not factual. So to get this straight, if anyone walks over the border they’re citizens who deserve all of the rights granted to Americans but those little people in the womb aren’t citizens worthy of all the rights of citizens.
I’d also bet that Mary Jo Kopechne qualified as voiceless and powerless as Teddy swam away.
Kennedy believed in 1971 that the unborn were worth standing up for. Sadly, as the Democratic Party headed towards abortion extremism Kennedy didn’t defend the unborn, he acquiesced and even became a leader in the cult of baby killing offering millions of Catholics cover for turning their backs on the unborn as well.
In ’71, Kennedy wrote:
While the deep concern of a woman bearing an unwanted child merits consideration and sympathy, it is my personal feeling that the legalization of abortion on demand is not in accordance with the value which our civilization places on human life. Wanted or unwanted, I believe that human life, even at its earliest stages, has certain rights which must be recognized — the right to be born, the right to love, the right to grow old.
On the question of the individual’s freedom of choice there are easily available birth control methods and information which women may employ to prevent or postpone pregnancy. But once life has begun, no matter at what stage of growth, it is my belief that termination should not be decided merely by desire.
I share the confidence of those who feel that America is willing to care for its unwanted as well as wanted children, protecting particularly those who cannot protect themselves. i also share the opinions of those who do not accept abortion as a response to our society’s problems — an inadequate welfare system, unsatisfactory job training programs, and insufficient financial support for all its citizens.
When history looks back to this era it should recognize this generation as one which cared about human beings enough to halt the practice of war, to provide a decent living for every family, and to fulfill its responsibility to its children from the very moment of conception.
Edward M. Kennedy
Kennedy knew that standing up against abortion was about willing to care for the “unwanted” who cannot protect themselves. And in one of the most tragic about-faces of the 20th century, Kennedy turned his back on those whom Cardinal Mahony praised him for defending – the powerless and the voiceless.
Update: As Pundette says: As a Catholic I pray for their souls but I wouldn’t hold either Kennedy or Mahoney up as a role model for my kids.
Thanks to Crunchy Con for the letter.
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