In their annual Man of the Year edition, Time Magazine “honors” Sarah Palin as one of the runners-up. But then they show their unabashed bias in such an awful way that they really should be ashamed of themselves -if they were at all capable of it anymore.
In their story on Palin, they don’t report that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy in order to cover up the pregnancy of her daughter, they just report on the rumor that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy in order to cover up the pregnancy of her daughter. You see the difference, right?
Time: “The most stunning accusation was not about her experience or intellect or attitude; it was the allegation that she had committed a stupendous moral fraud, faking her infant son Trig’s birth to cover up her teen daughter’s pregnancy. Throughout the weekend after her selection, the rumor moved from Daily Kos to the Times of London at Internet speed: the fact that it spread as far and as fast as it did signaled just how much the two sides of our cultural divide distrust each other.”
Mind you, it doesn’t signify how low Time Magazine and the entire media has fallen, it’s the fault of the cultural divide.
Oddly, they didn’t report on the rumors about Obama’s birth certificate.
Not that I’m claiming Obama’s not an American but the rumors are just as prevalent as the Trig truthers but Time didn’t see the need to report on it.
HT Don Surber
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