We Laugh Because We Believe

Month October 2008

A Surprised Stay-at-Home Dad

I made my wife cry. That’s why I remember that particular night. At the time, we were not yet married and we were eating dinner at one of those chain restaurants. We were talking about the future as two young… Continue Reading →

How Was The Play Mrs. Lincoln?

So while all of our focus has been on the Presidential Election and the consequences of the potential outcome, there are some other important items related to the Culture of Life/Death on ballots around the country. Proposition 8 in California…. Continue Reading →

Today On CMR – October 30, 2008

If I Were a Pregnant Girl With Talent…—From her horizontal perspective, Ebeth sees lots or irony in this election. Obama Loving Nuns Blast Archbishop—Nuns tell Archbishop: “You’re not the boss of me.” Obama’s Secret Police—This is very scary and no… Continue Reading →

If I Were a Pregnant Girl With Talent…

If I were a girl and I were pregnant I’d like to think I could write something like this. But I’m not a girl. And I’m not pregnant. And I don’t write this well. Go read Ebeth’s great piece. Back… Continue Reading →

Obama Loving Nuns Blast Archbishop

As you recall, Archbishop Chaput has been very forceful is saying that the culture of life should be predominant in our thoughts come election day. Well, you’d expect a motley bunch of secularists, atheists, and liberals to cry foul. I… Continue Reading →

Obama’s Secret Police

A Civilian Security Force just as well funded as the military? Here in America? That is exactly what Obama wants and he is not ashamed to tell you about it! Well, after all you do need to keep the proletariat… Continue Reading →

Conservative is the New Gay

We’ve all been in a moment when a conversation is going on among people around us and it becomes apparent that most of what you hold dear is held in contempt by everyone around you and you wonder if you… Continue Reading →

Gene’s Gay (Catholic) Get-together

Not content with merely tearing his own Church apart, openly homosexual Episcopal New Hampshire Bishop Gene Robinson is now meddling with ours. Apparently back in 2005 or so, Robinson helped lead a secret retreat of gay Catholic clergy. I cannot… Continue Reading →

Today On CMR – October 29, 2008

CMR Liveblogging Pushing Daisies Tonight!—Join our protest against the Obamercial. Watch “Pushing Daisies” on ABC with us. Sign Wars—What I learned at the McCain campaign office. When Obama Came For Them—Courage is needed now…more than ever. Rename Gallup the CYA… Continue Reading →

CMR Liveblogging Pushing Daisies Tonight!

I can’t watch Obama. I just can’t. Not tonight. I know this is a HUUUUGGE event. But I’m so tired of the self-righteous platitudes and the empty rhetoric. I can’t watch. So the only network that isn’t showing Obama’s infomercial… Continue Reading →

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