We Laugh Because We Believe

Month November 2008

Thanksgiving Treat: Food to Laugh At

The LILEKS Gallery has many very funny things to look at, including old advertisments, catalogs and one of my favorites, the gallery of Interior Desecration. Maybe its just my warped sense of humor, but after giving thanks and eating too… Continue Reading →

Elton John Against Gay Marriage?

Who’d a thunk it? This may be the first fairly rational thing out of Elton John’s mouth in a decade. According to Michael Medved via USA Today: One of the world’s most prominent gay entertainers offered some rare common sense… Continue Reading →

Today On CMR – November 26, 2008

Name that Convert!—The most exciting home version of the most popular game on the Catholic blogosphere. Lennon Forgiven. Who Missed Out?—Lennon’s off the hook but Deniro and Affleck are still in big trouble. Church Of Obama—What church best fits Obama?… Continue Reading →

Fr. Barron: Biblical Themes in Indiana Jones

Fr. Barron finds biblical themes everywhere. Straight from Israel!

Name that Convert!

Now, it’s once again time to “Guess the Convert” where we see a rather doom-and gloom quote and have to guess which noted convert said it. “Because it is America’s largest denomination, and the only one with strong central authority,… Continue Reading →

Lennon Forgiven. Who Missed Out?

Fresh on the heels of its embarrassingly outdated pronouncement by the Vatican newspaper that it has finally forgiven John Lennon for declaring the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, the Vatican also has a list of inane incidents that… Continue Reading →

Church Of Obama

Much discussed over the past few days is which Church will Obama join. Obama’s failure to attend Church this past weekend was noted, but chalked up by some to the fact that he has yet to choose another Church after… Continue Reading →

Today On CMR – November 25, 2008

The Kmiec Catholic Re-Education Camp—Sign up now before they come and bring you there anyway! Catholics Need Not Apply (To Catholic School)—Catholic School dumps the Catholic for coin. England Proves Chesterton Right…Again—A tale of two fishermen. Santa’s a Jerk—He’s no… Continue Reading →

The Kmiec Catholic Re-Education Camp

Are you having trouble understanding how voting pro-choice is actually a pro-life decision? Experiencing difficulty seeing how the most radically pro-abortion President is actually the best thing to happen to babies since pacifiers? Feeling like you’re not a “cool Catholic”… Continue Reading →

Catholics Need Not Apply (To Catholic School)

In the diocese of Arlington there exists the reasonable requirement, in my considerably cultivated judgment, that the headmasters of any Catholic school should be Catholic. The Trustees of Notre Dame Catholic High School find it simply too difficult to comply… Continue Reading →

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