I’ve read somewhere that Randall Terry is staging a comeback in the pro-life community. I know some people love him and others think he’s a shyster. I honestly don’t know enough about him to know which is true but I… Continue Reading →
Liberty without a little shoutingis like a melody without music. Progress always moves forward. Progressivism does not. The quality of Gov’t programsare inversely proportionalto their perceived urgency.
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and many other Democrats aren’t wasting a moment before politicizing the death of Ted Kennedy to further their legislation. Hey, they even politicized the man’s funeral. ABC is reporting that Pelosi said, “Ted Kennedy’s dream of… Continue Reading →
Nice. Including ObamaCare in the intentions during Ted Kennedy’s funeral mass was a new low in the politicization of Kennedy’s death. And the fact that they had a child do it was clearly an attempt at attempting to shield it… Continue Reading →
It’s always the right wing that gets accused of mixing in religion and politics. We get accused of bringing God into politics. The left doesn’t so much as bring God into politics, they just elevate their politicians to divinely inspired… Continue Reading →
Time Magazine worries that the Pope hasn’t made any statement about the passing of Senator Edward Kennedy in a piece entitled “After Kennedy’s Death: Silence from the Pope. As of yet, unlike some other world leaders, Pope Benedict has not… Continue Reading →
A hospital in Chongqing, China, recently released an advertisement offering half-price abortions for women who show a student ID, SF Gate reports. The advertisement (above) reads: Students are our future, but when something happens to them, who will help and… Continue Reading →
Uh-oh. A New Hampshire court is ordering a girl to be taken out of homeschooling and put into the public school system because she might be too religious. As is typical with these kinds of cases it seems to have… Continue Reading →
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