We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2010

Coming Soon — Vampires!

Oh no, oh no, oh no. I mean, we should have seen this coming. Scientists have discovered that vampires, yes vampires, were right all along. The blood of the young helps keep alive the old. [Technology Review] The antiaging power… Continue Reading →

A Catholic Priest In The Holy Land

What is it like to be a Christian in the heart of Palestine? Can faith really prevail over violence and division? In the Catholic parish of Nablus, a few are still determined to bear their cross. Born a Jew, converted… Continue Reading →

Even Barabbas Wasn’t Into Child Porn!

You looking for evidence that the world is completely crazy, upside down, looney tunes? Sadly, you’ve come to the right place. Everyone’s freaking out that during the Super Bowl Tim Tebow’s mother will tell us that she chose life and… Continue Reading →

Pro-Choicers Call Tebow’s Mother A Liar

OK. We’ve all had it happen. We’re talking with a woman who all of a sudden does what we fear most and reaches into the depth of her pocketbook and whips out the pictures of her pride and joy. And… Continue Reading →

Constance Mary Redoubt Returns

You may remember our friend Constance Mary Redoubt from some time ago. Well Connie is back. She is back primarily because I had nothing else to write about today and nobody else is trying to keep alive the age old… Continue Reading →

Abortion: State by State

Go check out this very revealing graphic at American Papist first. What this shows me is the importance of fighting abortion laws. I know this will shock many of you but women in “blue” states which usually have liberal abortion… Continue Reading →

Apostolic Visitation 2: Nunjas!!!

The Apostolic Visitation started last year with reports of concerns, irregularities about a secular mentality or even a feminist spirit pervading America’s female religious. A letter from the Vatican followed. A simple request and a questionnaire to help the sisters… Continue Reading →

Showdown at the March for Life?

OK. I was kind of back and forth on this one for a while. Fr. Jenkins, President of Notre Dame, who infamously invited and honored President Barack Obama on campus last year, joined hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers this week… Continue Reading →

Go Rain On Someone Else’s Parade

Oh please forgive us for our giddiness. There have been some friends out there who make quite a show of pointing out to pro-lifers who might occasionally commit the sin of voting Republican that Sen. Scott Brown is pro-choice. Duh…. Continue Reading →

Extremist Attacks Federal Official

A right wing pro-life extremist in Canada attacked a federal official who oversees abortion clinics by smashing a pie in her face during a televised speech. One pro-life leader dismissed the attack saying: “A little tofu pie on her face… Continue Reading →

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